Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Does It Always Feel Like This?

Here's a question that was asked of me earlier this week from a guy who had just gotten saved a few days ago: "Neal, does it always feel like this?"

How would you answer that question? Most of us can remember the day we got saved. We remember the "joy of salvation", all of the emotions, and what felt like the weight of the world coming off of us; but do you still "feel" that way today?

"Well brother, we can't base everything on feelings!" Right...but God did create us as emotional beings. If we know that our sins are forgiven, that we have been born-again, and that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells inside of us; shouldn't there be some emotion? Shouldn't we at least smile about it?

In his letter to the church at Rome, the Apostle Paul quoted the psalmist David: "Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight. Yes, what joy for those whose sin is no longer counted against them by the Lord." (Romans 4:7-8). AMEN!!!

Jesus spoke of a burden that is light, a fountain that springs up unto eternal life, rivers of living water that flow out of you, and an abundant life. These are just a few of the incredible benefits that accompany salvation. Jesus also said that whoever drinks from the water that He gives would never thirst again. Is that you?

Folks, we can discuss what takes place in our Christian walk that causes us to lose "the joy of salvation." Things like familiarity, the struggles of life, temptation & trials, etc. But I think that we tend to lose the joy when we put more on us rather than letting it all rest on God. As long as we continue to operate in the flesh, we will continually be brought into a state of lack, frustration, and emptiness. God wants you to enjoy this thing of salvation. He wants you to find rest and comfort in Him. He wants you to be a light to the world.

My answer to this young man was: "It can always feel like this. You just got to keep putting everything on Him." I can personally testify to the fact that God's grace will sustain you in life. His grace will give you divine ability to do what His Word says you can do. His grace in the key to continually enjoying your salvation. When David sinned, he cried out to God: "Restore unto me the joy of Your salvation." Maybe you should do the same. Repent of the things that cause a drain on your spiritual life (could be sin or a mindset). Confess who you are in Jesus until your heart lines up with it. Then walk in the joy of your salvation.

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