Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Pursuit

The topics I have shared over the last couple of days are a result of my own pursuit of God. It is nothing short of wanting to see the kingdom of God evident in my life and in those that God has placed around me. There was a hunger that God placed in my spirit several years ago that has never been satisfied. Although there may have been times that I have nibbled on appetizers - I am far from full.

I have met well meaning believers who warn of the dangers of pursuing spiritual gifts. It's an argument that is based on the concept of idolatry. "If you pursue anything other than God..." (You get what I'm saying) Here's the problem with that mindset: I cannot pursue the gifts unless I pursue the Giver. I cannot seek after the things of God without seeking God. And if we aren't careful this false notion of idolatry will keep us from going deeper with God, experiencing Him at a greater level, and actually seeing the fullness of God come upon our lives.

Paul told the church at Corinth (even with all their problems) to "Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts..." {1 Cor. 14:1} When we teach believers that they should not desire/pursue spiritual gifts then we are living/teaching contrary to the Word of God. The "gifts" are nothing less than the "graces" that God has given us to fulfill His kingdom work. We must remember that God's immediate target in our life is salvation but His ultimate goal is to fill us with all His fullness (Eph. 3:19)

Here's what I have discovered in my life: Any pursuit of the things of God always brought me closer to God. My intimacy with the Lord became stronger. My knowledge of His Word grew deeper. My experiences with God became more frequent. Like a good Father, God doesn't turn away from His children. That is why the Bible tells us to "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." {James 4:8}

This is nothing less than a choice to no longer "grieve the Spirit" or "quench the Spirit." I want nothing less that a continual flow of the Spirit of God in my life. I want Him to flow in my service, my ministry, my family, and my walk. I want to operate in all of the things that He wants me to operate in for His glory. I cannot accomplish anything of lasting value apart from His work in me. For far too long we have simply operated in the letter of God's Word rather than the Spirit. We must remember that "The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." {2 Cor. 3:6}

1 comment:

Zac and Brandy said...

Yes, wherever the is something REAL... there is also numerous counterfeits. We must be ever conscious and allow the Spirit in us to rightly discern the authentic work of God and push away imposters. The only way to spot what is counterfeit... is an intense study of the real deal. I am with you... we need to see God's spirit moving in His body. We need Him to relentless pursue those He has appointed for His work.

Ask Eldad & Medad what happens when they are appointed and don't show up for service .....

"Would God that all the Lord's people were prophets."

I love the response of Moses.... A willingness to share the joys and rewards of leadership is the mark of true nobility.... is it not? Miriam & Aaron, needed some work.....

Keep chasing God until He catches you!!!!