Friday, August 6, 2010

Friday Stuff

Hello Friday! I've got a lot of things on my mind today: Sermon Preparation, Conversation I had on the phone this morning, and the Events of the Day. It's shaping up to be a great day.

First of all, I'm continuing in a series of messages from Matthew 5-7 (The Sermon on the Mount). The application of Jesus' teaching is difficult because we cannot become what He says apart from the work of Holy Spirit. However, the series for me has been cleansing. There is a purity that flows out of the application that is refreshing. I'm thankful that God has led me to share these messages. I'm excited about the God quality of life that is a product of submitting to His Word.

Secondly, I had a conversation with some friends overseas that stirred my heart. It's amazing how God is using the people I know in various places. The book of Acts is coming alive before them with healing(s), signs and wonders, conversions, baptisms, throngs of people looking for a touch from God, and dreams/visions. I am in awe of how God has chosen to use my friends. They have witnessed the Kingdom of God invading their ministry area. I long to see this happen in America as well!

Last of all, we have plans to spend the evening with some very close friends. God has partnered us with people from various places. Some of these people have been placed in our lives to work with while others pray for the work that God has given us to do. Each family and individual is special to us. This evening looks to be another great time of fellowship and growth.

Before I bring things to a close on this wonderful Friday, let me give you something to think about. Have you ever considered that God has made us stewards of His presence? When the Holy Spirit invades our life, we have the same power at work in us that raised Jesus from the dead. This same Holy Spirit that came upon Him at His baptism comes upon us. We are clothed in the same power that Jesus was clothed in. That is why He tell His followers that they would do "greater works"! As you enter into this weekend, walk as someone who is a steward of the presence of God. Carry Him into every situation you face. When you pray - pray as someone who is a steward of God's presence. When you speak - speak as someone who is a steward of God's presence. You can bring God into every circumstance, every relationship, and every environment. This is what Jesus meant when He said, "I am with you always..."

Be Bold! Be encouraged! Be Faithful! God will do the rest - He's with you!

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