Monday, August 9, 2010

The Book of Books

I recently watched "The Book of Eli" and came away with some interesting thoughts. It's amazing how you can walk away from a movie with spiritual insight if we will pay attention. Just for the record: I do not recommend this movie for the whole family because of the language and violence.

The "Book of Eli" is set in an apocalyptic age where water is a valuable commodity and the earth is a giant wasteland. Eli, played by Denzel Washington, is on a journey across the United States carrying the only Bible that survived the aftermath of war. All other Bibles have been destroyed and it is Eli's job to carry this book to a place where it will be safe. The journey is long and filled with danger as he meets a man who wants to possess the Bible as a weapon for control. Interested yet?

Eli's journey comes with a promise of protection and provision from the Voice that led him to the last copy of God's Word. I want you to imagine a prophet with the skills of Chuck Norris who has discovered the promise that "No weapon formed against you shall prosper".

Here is the insight: A day is coming when people will hunger for the Word of God! Those who are fortunate enough to possess God's Word will find His promises true and faithful. There will be no attempt to explain away anything in God's Word. Instead, every Word will be precious to the hearer and unlock supernatural ability as it is received in faith.

News Flash: God's Word operates this way today! For those of us who are fortunate enough to own a copy of the Bible, we are able to unlock great potential. His Word is filled with invaluable promises. We discover the Genesis of life - the history of God's people down through the ages - the miracle of the Incarnation - the Resurrection and the Life - and the true Guide for life. We also discover that "Blessed is the man who hears these Words of Mine!" We don't have to wait for an apocalyptic age for the Bible to be more than a book. All we have to do is read and apply His Word now.

You might be asking "Why is Neal talking about this movie?" I'm sharing this with you to say that too often the world understands what the church doesn't see. We must never forget the precious gift of God's Word. The Bible is more than a book. His Word will endure forever!

Pick up your copy of the Bible today! It's something you can share with the entire family.

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