Friday, March 28, 2008


Sick...that's the diagnosis that I got from the doctor today.

Flu? No.
Virus? Probably.
Answer? Z-pack & Cough Medicine.

Does it frustrate you when you go to the doctor and they can't find a diagnosis? You finally quit trying to manage your sickness on your own. You stopped all of the remedies that have been handed down to you. You finally got up enough nerve to sit in the doctors office for 2 hours just to hear it's probably a virus. AAAGGHH!

I don't blame the doctors though. They are only practicing physicians. They can only diagnose what they have been taught. Anything beyond their practice is probably a virus. So they give you a prescription and out you go into the cold hoping that it will work. The sad part of this story is that it happens in the spiritual all the time.

Think about it: Somebody finally gets up the nerve to go and sit in church for an hour (hour and a half) and in the end they walk out with a prescription for their sickness hoping it will work. Who knows? Maybe they got a step process to living in happiness, some quick tips on fixing their marriage, or better yet, how to live like a man/woman of God. But they go home, try the steps, and in a weeks time they aren't any better. Why? Because their problem wasn't diagnosed.

You see - we are all sick. Everyone one of us. And everyone of us is sick with a terminal disease called sin. Sin if left unchecked will lead to death (See Romans 6:23). And if this individual goes to a church that focuses on life change rather than a God change they will not hear about the devastating effects of sin. Sin creates almost every problem that you face in this world. You marriage is in shambles because of sin, your relationship with your kids is strained because of sin, and the reason you don't have peace and joy in your life is because of sin. And the ony way that you and I are ever going to be healed and released from sin is when we take the proper medication. And the only medication that God has prescribed was Jesus' death on the cross.

We have to stop trying to fix ourselves. We have to stop trying all the things that were handed down to us (go to church, read the Bible, tithe, or do good works). These things will only mask our recovery. What you and I must do is kneel down at a blood stained cross and ask God to forgive you based upon the death of His Son. You have to understand that what Romans 6:23 says is true in regards to sin but the good news is that "the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ."

We sin - sin leads to death - God intervenes by sending Jesus - His death on the cross paid the penalty for our sin - we can be forgiven if we accept it. It's that simple. If you want to be forgiven you have to ask. If you want eternal life you must turn your life over to Him. Give God your sickness by repenting of your sins and He will give you eternal life. Remember: He's the Great Physician. He's not hoping this will work. He knows it will work. It's worked for 2000 years.

"The Blood Will Never Lose It's Power!"

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