Tuesday, November 25, 2014

What Do We Believe?

Ever have one of those days where you struggle to put into words what you are actually thinking? I'm having one of those days. I have so many thoughts running through my mind, so many topics that I would love to discuss (not write), and so many things I would love to tackle. However, that doesn't make for good blogging. So I will just go with this...

This question is not meant to set forth a line by line format of proper theology. I simply put it out there to stir your thinking. I'm finding more & more people who are more interested in what they believe rather than in WHOM they believe. Is it any wonder why there are so many Christian denominations (a nice way to say sects)? I honestly believe that if we would learn how to gather around "WHO" we believe in, then the "WHAT" we believe in will take care of itself.

When I read the book of Acts, I discover a group of people who have a confession. They know WHO they believe in. They have trusted in the Gospel message. They believe that Jesus Christ is exactly who the Apostles said He was/is. And this confession was enough for them to begin to live in community with one another. How times have changed!!!

In today's world, the community of the saints are gathered around a core set of beliefs and/or practices. It's these beliefs that actually create the community. To be sure, most of these groups do require a confession of Jesus as Lord, but there seems to be such an emphasis on everything else that He gets lost in the mix. Go look at the "What We Believe" section of most church websites & you will discover what is meant to set them apart from other churches. What most people don't consider is that many of the sections are generalities. It's not until you get into those churches that you begin to discover some of the specifics. But that is not the point of my blog today.

The point of my blog (today) is to ask the question: "What Do We Believe?"

Have we become so consumed with the specifics of our faith that we have failed to recognize the greatness of WHO we believe in? Have we become so bogged down in our theology & doctrines that we have missed out on the simplicity of Christ? He we become so preoccupied with crossing our "t's" & dotting our "i's" that we have lost the childlike faith that ushered us into this relationship in the first place?

I'm simply longing for a return to simplicity. A simplicity of faith that says "Jesus is ENOUGH." A simplicity of relationship that allows God to be a part of everything. A simplicity that recognizes that God doesn't need religion so that He can be a part of my life. A simplicity that recognizes Jesus' death, burial, resurrection, & ascension as a means of God restoring His fallen creation. A simplicity that rejoices in the finished work of Christ & realizes that I cannot add to or take away from it.

With all that being said, I'll tell you what I believe. I believe we have been playing a religious game rather than realizing that faith was meant to be a NORMAL part of life. So normal that I am awakened each morning with the understanding that God has given me breath in my lungs, a family to enjoy, & a life to live. So normal that I don't go through any part of my day without the realization that He is with me & for me. So normal that every person I encounter has the potential to experience the love of the Father in that moment & time. So normal that prayer isn't just a time of petitioning but a dialogue between my & my Father. So normal that the movement of the Holy Spirit in my life is not some whipped up emotional experience but like a continual wave of motion pulling me in the direction of the Father's heart. So normal that to live any other way would be abnormal.

So the question remains: What Do We Believe?
Do we believe in our beliefs or do we believe in Jesus?
Do we believe that someone's confession of Jesus as Lord is enough or do they need to jump through a few more hoops?
Can we return to an unbridled confidence in the finished work of Christ for all of mankind?
Can we trust the Holy Spirit to awaken people to this reality?
Can we love people in the process?
Do we believe that is enough?

Maybe I didn't answer the question. Maybe you are still wondering where I was going with all of this. Or...maybe you have felt the same tugging in your spirit. If so, then welcome to my world. Enjoy the journey!!!

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