Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Crazy Love Thing...

In keeping with the Love & Water theme that I started yesterday, I would like to share one of my favorite quotes from another movie that deals with tragedy in the water. This quote comes from the movie Soul Surfer and is voiced over the scene where Bethany Hamilton is ministering to people during the aftermath of the Tsunami: "Love is bigger than any tidal wave and more powerful than any fear."

This part of the movie just made my heart melt. Here was this young lady who was learning to overcome her own tragedy reaching out to others who were hurting. Choosing to be a part of a disaster relief team became a pivotal part of her own recovery. Talk about changing your perspective!

In all honesty, this is a good lesson for each of us to learn. It's amazing how quickly we can become introspective about our own lives. Always looking in and always seeing what is wrong with us. Many people wouldn't blame Bethany if she had chosen to take a bit longer to get out of the pain and disappointment she was feeling. However, love taught her a valuable lesson.

Limited in what she could do, she did all she could do. She helped carry water and meet basic needs. In the movie she helped a little boy overcome his fear of the water by playing on a surf board. Not only was the little boy encouraged to get back to the simple joys of life, those on the beach were encouraged as well. But this is what love does. Love looks like something and love makes a difference.

Love is Bigger than any Tidal Wave
- I don't think we have truly grasped the power of love in the Spirit. Although we have some understanding of it in the natural, we have yet to see all that can be accomplished. If all we ever did was live out the 1 Corinthians 13 definition of love we could overcome any tidal wave.
Can you imagine never being resentful?
Always being patient?
Never being self-seeking?
Do you know what kind of impact we could have on the world if this was the quality of love that we displayed? I think that is why God's Word teaches about the type of love that we are able to walk in. If we, through the Spirit of God, learn how to tap into this God-quality of love...the world will never be the same.

Love...More Powerful than any Fear
- In John's letters to the church, he spent quite a bit of time talking about love. He makes one of the greatest statements as it relates to the power of love in our lives: "There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love." [1 John 4:18]
Here's my breakdown of this:
FEAR absent - Perfected in Love / FEAR present - Still areas where I need to be perfected in Love
The reality is that each of us have areas where we still need to be perfected in love. We are all learning how to establish our heart in God. We are learning how to get our identity from Him. The sooner we can do that...the sooner Fear will have no hold on us in any area.

Take a look at the times LOVE is mentioned in Scritpure. Recongize its power and ability in your life.
Did you know that Love covers a multitude of sin?
Did you know that Love can create an atmosphere of peace and community?
Did you know that Love was/is the greatest motivator for serving one another?
Did you know that Loving One Another actually fulfilled the Law?
Love is a truly powerful force that each of us need to embrace.

You know what I think? I think many people have struggled in the area because they didn't want to create a Hippie Culture. What we failed to realize is that we would be creating a Kingdom Culture. And missing out on this incredible opportunity we have isolated ourselves from the world. To quote Mars Needs Moms: "To be alone is to be without the Crazy Love Thing."

As I type these words, an email came in advertising a new book by Danny Silk: "Keep Your Love On"
I think I will!!!

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