Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Living Out the Law of Christ

Here's one of my favorite Oswald Chambers quotes of all time: “God never gives us discernment in order that we may criticize, but that we may intercede.

There's no doubt in my mind that this is one of the most difficult things to live out. The influence of this world in our lives easily leads to criticism. We can find criticism in the media, social clubs, the barbershop, our friends, and even in church. If we aren't careful, the influence of a critical spirit can find its way into our lives and our vocabulary. On the contrary, learning how to help someone carry their burden (or get rid of it) fulfills what is close to the heart of Christ.

I'm always careful when I use the word "Law" because we humans tend to fall into religious ritual when we hear it. The word translated as law in this verse can mean "anything established...a command...approved by God." When I think about the Law of Christ, I'm immediately touched by the things that are close to His heart. When asked what is the greatest commandment He responded by saying that we should "Love the Lord with all of our heart...soul, strength, and mind...Love your neighbor as yourself." This is the standard that has been established. This is the command that has been approved by God. For you and I to fulfill (to make full) the standard lived out by Christ means that we supply what is lacking in His physical absence. In essence, we allow His nature to fulfill His rule of life in our lives: WE BEAR ONE ANOTHER'S BURDENS.

Too often, when we get discernment into the life of another, we adopt a critical spirit. We bring judgment, accusation, and shame into the relationship. To put Oswald Chambers' words another way: We are to pray for them (Intercession), encourage them to walk in the opposite spirit (Prophecy), and love them through the situation (Fruit of the Spirit). Let me see if I can explain.

Intercession - the act of interceding (intervening or mediating) between two parties. In the Christian faith, it is a prayer to God on behalf of others.

This is one of the most vital aspect of walking in discernment. It's one thing to get something about someone and quite another to know how to pray for them. When dealing with negative aspects of someone's character, it's important to know how God wants to work in their lives to bring about change. How can God effectively alter their mindset or their actions. This is critical. My encouragement to you is that you pray for the individual the way you would want someone to pray for you. It's a wonderful form of intercession. It's treating people the way you want to be treated in the Spirit. I realize that it's much easier to go to the individual to confront them and there may be a time for that; but until then learn how to battle for this person in prayer. Not only are you walking out the nature of Christ, you will be growing in your compassion for the individual.

Prophecy - according to 1 Corinthians 14:3 is "edifying, encouraging, and comforting."

Many times when we hear about prophecy we think about Nathan coming to David to declare "YOU ARE THE MAN!" In other words, there is a negative connotation attached to it. New Testament prophecy, on the other hand, is quite different. We are not standing to declare the sins of the nation or to bring judgment upon a group or individual. According to Paul, prophecy in the Body of Christ looks a little different. The Revelation given to John tells us that "the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy" (Rev. 19:10). What we are learning to do through the prophetic is give a testimony of Christ into the life of another. More often than not it is a way for them to operate in the opposite spirit.

Fruit of the Spirit - this is your opportunity to walk in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self control. The good news is that you don't have to produce this - it's the work of the Holy Spirit in your life.

Bearing on another's burdens is all about loving God and loving someone the way that you want to be loved. This is what walking in the Spirit looks like. And when we walk in the Spirit, we will bear the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Sound easy enough? The truth of the matter is that it is easy enough. God's grace will empower you to walk alongside someone to help carry their burden.

There is only 1 warning that I want to give you in all of this: While you are seeking to help carry this burden, you cannot carry it for the other person. While you may want it to go away for them, it may be something that they need to walk out. Make sure you have the heart of God for them. Make sure they know that you are there to help. And make sure that you do not work harder than they do.

Interceding for them will be tough work. Prophesying into their lives will require that you hear the heart of God for them. Walking with them in love means that you will exhibit the nature of Christ (Fruit of the Spirit) into their lives. This is the Law of Christ. This is loving someone the way you long to be loved. This is loving God with all that you are. It's a part of the journey. Embrace it.

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