Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Return to Family

If you enjoy college football then you have probably heard the name of Urban Meyer. Meyer was the head coach for the Florida Gators football team. He resigned his position yesterday (this is his second resignation - 1st due to health reasons but only lasted a day) due to family.

Coach Meyer had this to say:
"At the end of the day, I'm very convinced that you're going to be judged on how you are as a husband and as a father and not on how many bowl games we won...I've not seen my two girls play high school sports. They're both very talented Division I-A volleyball players, so I missed those four years. I missed two already with one away at college. I can't get that time back..."

I wonder how many parents hear something like this and reflect upon their own investment in their children. It's real easy for us to look at our jobs and think that we are providing for our families. We might even think that the best thing for our family is that we advance our career to the point of never having to worry about college, etc. The fact of the matter is that regardless of our job/career, we will not get back the time lost with our children. But we can redeem the time!

How can we redeem the time?
- Make the most of every situation. Make the time you get with your children an investment into their future. This is an act of the will. You have a choice to make.
- Use your time with your children as an opportunity to build up rather than tear down. How many times have we heard stories from troubled teens/adults who had a parent that wasn't around that much but when they were all they did was tell them all of the wrong things they have done? If you aren't involved enough to give some encouragement then your criticism will only be used to bring about a negative effect.
- Make your children a priority. Did you ever think you would have to hear those words? Most of us bring children in this world with the idea that we will do anything in the world to make them happy. However, raising children isn't cheap, it isn't automatic, and it isn't easy. If I do not map out a plan on investing in my children then I will be investing in other things.

Kids need parents. They need the love of a parent, the attention of a parent, the correction of a parent, and the presence of a parent. The Bible tells us to raise our children in the reverence and instruction of the Lord. It is our responsibility to equip the next generation in their own relationship with God. Family time in prayer, instruction of the Word, and exemplifying godliness within the family environment are the best ways we can pass on our love for God. I truly believe that we are living in a day when God is drawing the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children back to their fathers. We simply need to respond to what God is doing in our hearts.

I hope that each of us will take some time today, while this thought is fresh upon our hearts, to make wise investments in our children. Don't wait. Begin redeeming the time you have with your children and watch God begin to shape their hearts along with yours. May we be the generation that reclaims the family for God and His purpose.

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