Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Perfect Day to Hit "500"

Before we get started I want to note that today's blog is number 500! This milestone may not mean as much to the reader, but for someone who has attempted to be creative, informative, and engaging (not sure that was I was for all 500) it's amazing to think that so many have taken the time to read what I have shared. Thank You!

I also believe it's a perfect day to hit "500" as we remember Pearl Harbor. It was on December 7, 1941 when the Japanese bombed our US Naval Base in Hawaii. President FDR told America that this day would "live in infamy", and he was right. Some have called this a day of celebration over the last few years. Personally, I don't think we can celebrate what happened on December 7 but we can celebrate the honor and courage of so many brave men and women who rose up to defend this great nation. We can celebrate the resolve of a nation that said "We will not back down from a fight!" Today we remember all the lives that were lost and honor those who sacrificed for a stronger America.

The defense of our nation has always been a hot button issue. It amazes me to think that some believe America has used her military might to become a great empire. However, it is my belief that when you investigate the wars of this nation that you will discover we have fought on the side of freedom (many times our own). We haven't been perfect as a country but I hope that we will never lose our willingness to protect the sovereignty of this nation.

America is still a very young nation. It's almost mind boggling to think of how far this country has come. Do you realize that the Revolutionary War dates from 1775-1783? We declared our independence in 1776 and the war didn't officially end until 1783 under the Treaty of Paris. A lot has happened in the 227 years since the Revolutionary war ended. As a nation we have survived a Civil War, two World Wars, been involved in other wars/conflicts around the globe (Korea & Vietnam to name a couple), Desert Storm, the attack of 911, and we are currently fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our country has seen great losses of both men and women in the defense of our sovereignty and freedom.

With all of that being said: I will use "500" to give thanks to our Founding Fathers, our military, the families of those who serve, and every American who has shaped the greatness of this country. We remember your sacrifice and service to something so much bigger than yourself. And I give thanks to Almighty God who saw fit to bless this nation. We remember His protection, provision, and providence. May God continue to bless America.

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