Thursday, February 11, 2010

Who Has Preeminence?

As I was reading the Word this morning, I couldn't help but think about 3 John. There's something interesting here that I want you to see.

"I wrote to the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, does not receive us." 3 John 9

Can you imagine the audacity? Think about a church leader who was unwilling to receive the apostles! What is it about Diotrephes that made him think he could keep God's servants away from the church? You don't have to look far to figure it out: Diotrephes loved to have preeminence among the church.

In the original language "preeminence" is a compound of "fond" and "foremost" - in other words: he was fond of being first in order/importance. Diotrephes was fond of being first & ambitious of distinction. What is at play here? Look at these synonyms for preeminence:

Rather than trying to be a man of influence, Diotrephes sought to be an influential man! There is a difference. To be a man of influence all one has to do is lead in humility and example. To be an influential man one must have control. One attitude takes while the other gives.

Churches must beware of those who want preeminence in the church. We should REJECT those who are malicious gossips and REPROVE those who reject righteous ministry because of envy and jealousy. There should only be one preeminent figure in the church and He is the Lord Jesus!

You may be reading this and thinking "That would never happen to us." But let me ask you a question: Who does your church follow? Do you follow the man of God who was appointed as your overseer or do you follow a more influential person in the church? Far too often we are led by personalities rather than the Spirit of God. I've seen many churches on the cusp of great things only to shrink away when certain individuals speak up. Maybe they have been at the church a long time and have gained a hearing, maybe they are a leader that is intimidating, or maybe they are a strong giver. Does it really matter? If God says "GO!" should anything stand in our way?

What is interesting about the church in 3 John is that there is another man present among the church who is mentioned. His name: Demetrius [verse 12]. There is a striking contrast between the two. Diotrephes loved the preeminence while Demetrius had a good testimony from everyone. However, from the sound of things, Diotrephes seemed to get his way.

*Trust me - I have seen this attitude at work. It can be a pastor or a lay leader. They may even seem to be open to criticism or other ideas but just wait until there is a conflict! It's through the conflict that you find out Diotrephes is among you.

The warning in all of this is quite simple. BE CAREFUL about who is placed in authority. There are those who seek to climb the ladder within the church (to what gain I am unsure). Always seek out humble and godly leaders. Seek out those who long to serve Jesus above everything else. And never forget the warning we see in the history of Israel. Joshua and Caleb were ready to take the land that God had promised while the crowd chose to follow the majority. The result: years of wandering in the wilderness until a new generation (a generation that trusted God) would come into being.

Let's allow God to have 1st place within our churches. Then, AND ONLY THEN, can we expect God to do great things in and through us.

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