Friday, February 19, 2010

Random Friday

It's FRIDAY, it's a little late for the blog update, but here goes. I'm just going to share some Random Thoughts.

First: Went to Winter Jam last night in Roanoke. GREAT TIME! We decided a little late in the day to see if we could make it and God made a way. Winter Jam is a collection of various artist in Contemporary Christian Music who get together and put on a show with the intent of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This years groups were phenomenal. We were able to hear Fireflight, Newsboys, Newsong, Third Day just to name a few. All for $10 at the door and a love offering later. This years tour has recorded 138,216 people in attendance, 3,565 sponsorships for orphans, and 17,930 decisions for Christ!

Second: I just want to give some praise to God for how He uses this blog. I find it so interesting the people who read and comment on how God speaks to them. There have been days when I just didn't "feel" it but God has come through. Please pray for me during this process. I really want to share the things that God wants me to share so I can be an encourager, edifier, and maybe even cause people to think outside the box.

Third: I have been thinking a lot about evangelism. I think that is obvious from some of the posts that I have put on here. However, I feel the need to share something that has been on my heart for a few days. It's real easy for those outside the church to think that we are condemning them for their lifestyle. That could be because of the way that we share or because of the conviction they feel. Regardless of the "why", here's what I want to say: Anytime you are sharing with an unbeliever, make your approach about them and not their sin. We cannot expect anyone that is lost to live any other way. Imagine your own life without Christ. Can any of us expect to live a life of godliness apart from the Holy Spirit? When we make a decision to share Jesus with those around us - let's make a point to deal with the main issue at hand. We are all sinners in need of a Savior. It's not what we do that keeps us away from God but rather what we do not do. God has settled the issue of sin through the cross of Jesus. It's when we come to God through faith in Jesus that the issue is laid to rest for "us." Show this person how we ALL need FORGIVENESS!

Last of all: As we enter into this weekend, I pray that our hearts and minds will be prepared for worship. Most of the readers of PBC Voice attend church somewhere. Let's begin the process today of being ready to enter into the presence of God. Let's ensure that we are ready to worship, teach, preach, pray, and entertain the presence of God. We have a great opportunity before us every time believers gather for worship. May we not miss what God wants to do in our midst!

May you all be blessed!

P.S. If someone reading this blog today is one of those who has always felt outside the church and condemned, know this: Jesus did not come to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be SAVED! (Those are His Words) Just accept Him and make Him Lord of your life - He will take care of the rest.

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