Saturday, February 27, 2010

Getting in the Way of Blessing

Personal Note: I know it's Saturday but I have something to share! LOL!

Last night, the family took a trip to Concord, NC to share in a worship experience with Jonathan David Helser. I didn't know much about Fire Church but I did know a lot about this brother's music. Although we hadn't originally planned on going - I contacted my brother (who was going), encouraged the Cantrell family to join us (they did), and we loaded up the Acadia and made our way down.

Jonathan's music is as unique as the worship set. Although there is a plan for music, the carrying out of the plan is completely up to the Holy Spirit. You may sing a song straight through or you may spend some time in the chorus. You may also have God's Word sung over you or the group will share what they sense the Lord doing in the room. You can call it prophetic, intimate, and energetic. The singers and worshipers were free and the atmosphere was heightened and relaxing at the same time.

God used this night of worship to bring great encouragement to my heart. He also confirmed some things in our family. What an awesome time! I think God also spoke to a few other in our group...NO, I'm sure He did.

What consumes my mind today is the memory of what I used to do in my walk with God. I used to look for opportunities to worship. Our home church didn't offer Sunday night services so I would join up with some friends at the Church of God. If there was a singing, youth event, etc. going on around me - I would do what I could do to get there. This mentality put me in the way of blessing over and over again. As I stepped into the path of blessing, God always met me there.

It's easy for us to be so caught up in the busyness of life and become protective over our "personal" time. However, the great truth that I have re-discovered over the past two weeks is that when I step into the way of blessing God is always there.

Last week we stepped into a blessing by deciding at the last minute to take our family to Winter Jam. A decision that God used to get us onto His agenda for the remainder of our lives. YES! It was that transformational. This week we stepped into a blessing by saying "yes" to an opportunity to worship with other believers.

There is a balance. You should be able to confirm the times when you choose to stay at home with just you and the family. However, never hesitate to join God in what He is doing.

Big thanks to Jonathan for sharing with us his gifts and heart. For more info or to hear a sample of music check out: or

I'm thankful that God is never giving up on me!

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