Thursday, February 18, 2010

Just Another Day...

How do you handle "Just another day...?" You know - a day when you are neither up on the mountain top or down in the valley - a day when you are just living.

What does a writer do when he/she is uninspired?
How does an artist cope without a picture to paint?
Or a musician without a song to sing?

Is this not one of the most difficult places to be? There is no inspiration but there's no pain either. On the one hand I'm let down while on the other hand I can count my blessings. How do we face "Just another day...?"

Psalm 32:8, "The Lord says, 'I will make you wise and show you where to go. I will guide you and watch over you.'"

What I can tell you about living in every day is that God is still God! We may not "feel" His presence but we can live with faith in knowing that at any moment He will show us where to go.

The hard reality is that we will face days that are simply "normal." However, we continue to pray - continue to read God's Word - continue to look for the opportunities that He provides. I know it doesn't sound as exciting as revival but it's also not as bad as suffering.

It's O.K. to go through the motions as long as God is a part of them! He will make us wise even in these times according to His Word. He has also promised to guide us and watch over us during the process.

Remember that God is the Potter and we are the clay. It would be foolish for the clay to complain about spinning on the wheel because the process takes time. In the same way, we have much to be considering. How are we going to respond when God decides to speak? What direction are we going to go when God points the direction?

Today may not be "Just another day in paradise." But it can be a day of preparing yourself for the will of God. Keep trusting! Keep believing! Keep on keeping on! God's not finished. Just be thankful that He has given you a day to reflect, to wonder, and to be expectant as to what He is going to do next.

Henry Blackaby says in Experiencing God that he often gets asked the question about what to do when the doors aren't opening. People have experienced God speaking to them, they know the direction He wants them to go - but right now they are waiting. His response, "Simply do the last thing God told you to do." Remember: "Just Another Day..." can be a day of EXPECTANCY!

Have a great day even if it is "Just another day..."

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