Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Where Do You Fit In?

This past Sunday I used a quote from Matt Redman's pastor in reference to worship. He said, "We need to become producers of worship rather than consumers." I would say that quote works for being a part of the church body as well. We should become producers within the church and not just consumers.

1 Corinthians 12:18, "But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased."

Paul's teaching to the Corinthian church applies to us today. God still sets the members within the body of Christ as He pleases. The problem we have isn't in the placement - the problem is that many don't know their place.

I was leading an "Experiencing God" study this week and we were looking at this very topic. How has God placed you in the body of Christ? What is it that God wants you to do as a member of the church? Do you believe that God has something for you to do? According to Scripture...YES!

The church (body of Christ) functions much like our human body. We have parts that are more visible and active while other parts of the body are less noticeable and less active. However, every part of the body is important. Sure, your body can function with one kidney but doesn't it work much better with two? You can still live with one eye but you won't see as well. You can function with one ear but the hearing isn't all there. There are several things that you may be able to lose and still survive but you will not function properly. When one part of our physical body shuts down or refuses to work the way that it should we will have issues. The other parts of the body must assume greater responsibilities to ensure that the body keeps functioning. The church is no different. We need every part to be healthy - active - and involved in the process.

Too many churches today are trying to function with only 10% of the body. Who can live like that? The old saying is still true today: "10% of the people are doing 90% of the work." Is it any wonder why many of our churches are anemic? Is it any wonder that the greater portion of North America is still lost without Christ? But when we as the body of Christ begin to work together we will see results!

I heard a testimony from a pastor in South Africa whom God has used greatly in radio ministry. God placed the very 1st Christian FM station in his lap. For 3 months (or better) this pastor had no issues within his church. He didn't have to do any counseling or put out any fires within the body because the church was active in the ministry that God had given them. I wonder how many churches could have avoided conflict if only they had been serving/working together.

PBC is preparing to go to two services starting in January. No doubt, this is one of the greatest challenges our body has faced. The challenge isn't that it can't be done - the challenge is ensuring that every member is bearing the load of ministry. It can be done but it will take more than the 10%.

Why has God placed you in the church that you are a member? What specific ministry does He want you to perform through His empowerment? What if...before you joined the church the pastor asked you why God has brought you here...what would you say? What if you couldn't join until you figured it out?

The time for the consumer mentality to leave the church is NOW! Church is not for entertainment. It's not to become just another social network in your life. The church is God's mission agent in the world. Have you found your place?

You could be the piece of the puzzle that makes the church complete - lacking nothing.

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