Thursday, December 3, 2009

What Are You Sharing?

In case you haven't noticed, this weeks blog entries have followed the poll question that I'm asking. The big 3's of personal growth in the Christian life are: Prayer, Bible Reading, & Sharing Your Faith. It's natural to struggle in one of these areas. Some of us are more apt to pray, spend time in God's Word, or find it relatively easy to share our faith. However, we shouldn't neglect the others just to pursue what is easy.

There are several scripture references that we can give to support the role of personal evangelism. Evangelism should happen through the church but it should also happen in our daily lives. We can reference the Great Commission where Jesus told His followers to "Go", or we can look into the book of Acts where Jesus promised us that we would receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us and that we would be witnesses everywhere. On top of that we cannot neglect the Scripture that teaches us to always be ready to give an answer (or defense) of the faith that lies within us. The fact of the matter is that evangelism (personal & corporate) is supported throughout God's Word and should manifest itself in our daily lives.

With all the tools at our disposal how can we neglect this?

"Share Jesus without Fear" by Bill Faye
"Way of the Master" by Ray Comfort
"Faith" which is a tool developed by Southern Baptist
"Evangelism Explosion" by James Kennedy
"The Romans Road" found in Scripture given to us from God

Do we need anything else?

If you aren't comfortable with any of these approaches have you ever tried sharing what God has done for you? Tell your salvation story. You can be like the blind man that Jesus healed. He said, "All I know is that once I was blind but now I see!" You would be amazed at how quickly and effectively God can use your story to bring others to faith in Him.

I remember a story that came from a pastor in South Carolina who took a new convert out on some witnessing trips. He had sown into this man's life all the scripture and tools that he would need. For several weeks the new convert was instructed to watch and learn. But then came the time for him to lead in the witnessing efforts. When they arrived at the 1st home this man took charge. He was fast and furious - often misquoted scripture - and missed out on all the "etiquette" that comes with sharing your faith in someones home. When he finished all of his sharing and rambling, he looked at this couple and said: "Folks, I know that I have fumbled my way through all of this. I misquoted some of the scripture that I shared with you...I know that. But just a few weeks ago I got saved. God has radically changed my life and I am here because I want you to know this same Jesus that saved me. Would you like to accept Him as your Lord and Savior?" They both said, "YES!"

Allow me to encourage you today. It really doesn't matter what technique you use. It doesn't matter if you get all the verses right. What God cannot use is your silence!

Take some time today to find those in need of the Savior. Ask God to give you the courage and boldness that you need. Then open your mouth and share. It's that easy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well said. The lost are most fearful that no one knows where they are and what they have been through. God sets us up with devine appointments with people who need to hear what we went through and how HE got us through it. The tools mentioned are foundations in which you lay your testimony on for strength. The worst testimony out there today is the one no one hears.