Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Stupid is as Stupid does

The picture that you are looking at is one of the most intelligent animals on the face of the earth. Every year in October the quest begins for a buck like this one to hang on the wall (and fill the freezer).

However, there are 4-5 weeks out of the year that this intelligent animal gets just plain stupid. "THE RUT!" For those of you that don't deer hunt (or may not know), the rut is the time of year when does are ready to breed and every buck is ready to help. That is when this animal with a keen sense of smell, sight, and hearing forgets all of his instincts and chases does wherever they lead. When a "rutting" buck gets on the trail of a "hot" doe - WATCH OUT!

This is the time of year that most hunters get excited. Many will put out some "scent" just to lure that trophy. It's truly amazing to watch. Bucks will come in without any thought of hunters just because they are on the trail.

Unfortunately, we are too much like a buck in rut. STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES! We get our minds and hearts consumed with certain things and we lose all common sense. Marriages have been wrecked because one partner had their mind and heart on something else. Finances are destroyed because someone lost sensibility and went our spending like there was no tomorrow. Careers are ruined because the pursuit of the almighty dollar or climbing the corporate ladder put them in a position of compromising their integrity. And we (like the buck in rut) NEVER think about the consequences.

The Bible teaches us to bring every thought into the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5). This is an important principle in life. If we allow ourselves to be led by our impulses, our vain thoughts, or our impure motives - we can be sure that destruction awaits us. However, if we will bring every thought into the obedience of Christ then we will be able to withstand the temptations that come our way.


There is an old saying: "If there is time to do something over then there is time to do it right the first time." I have always liked this phrase. But here's the problem with sin - We don't always get a "do-over." Certain decisions will cost you greatly and you are left to pick up the pieces all by yourself. There is always time to bring our thoughts into the obedience of Christ!

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