Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hiding His Word

Psalm 119:11, "Your Word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You."

We were rummaging through some boxes last night when Haley came across a pocket memo book that I have held onto since my college days. There is nothing impressive about the book itself - simple, black & white, & small. However, what is inside has meant the world to me. When I began walking with the Lord, I spent considerable time in His Word so that I could know more about the God I serve. When I came across verses that spoke to me I would write them down in this little book. After all these years I still have this 60 sheet pocket memo filled with 120 pages of scripture (front to back).

I love how God takes us back! Those memories are very precious to my life in Christ. I remember those days as if they just happened. A lot has changed in my life but there has been a constant source of inspiration, a rock that I could lean upon, and promises that I still claim today: God's Word. In those early days of faith this was the tool that I used to hide God's Word in my heart.

There is actually a very interesting story about the book that I was able to share with my daughter. The very first person I led to Christ was a childhood friend. God used this little booklet to open his heart to the Gospel. I had gone to the house to share with my friend. I was nervous, ill-prepared, and not even mature enough to think about grabbing a Bible. But for some reason I had this little book with me. This small token of my devotion to God's Word was used to bring my friend to saving faith! Imagine what God can do in and through us if we will but hide His Word in our hearts.

I have heard people say that they have difficulty memorizing God's Word. If I'm being honest: I don't get that! Think about all the randomly ridiculous things that we retain to memory. We remember songs, quotes from movies, commercials, etc. Most of these things we don't have to work to remember. If you are a born again believer with the Spirit of God residing in you - then memorizing God's Word shouldn't be difficult. If you ask God, by His Spirit, to help you retain His Word then it will happen. The Spirit of God is to help us by bringing to our minds the words of Jesus. All of God's precepts, His promises, and His commandments are at our disposal through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. But we need to spend some time in God's Word. If you will put it in then He will bring it out.

There is one other thing about the pocket memo that I find interesting because it shows me that even though things change, some things remain the same. On the inside cover I had written some words that were not scripture. I wrote: Walk by grace not law, Spirit not flesh, and faith not sight. Those words have guided me from my very first days as a believer until now. I'm not saying that I have perfect this but that I still try to walk by grace, empowered by the Spirit of God, in faith. But I would have never gotten to where I am today had I not taken some time to hide God's Word in my heart.

How much time are you spending in God's Word? Are you filling your life and heart with this great gift that He has given us? It's amazing to me that if you put a Bible in restricted nations that people will literally tear pages out to share with others so that it can be passed around and yet we live in a nation where we have so many different translations to choose from but we don't even pick up the one closest to us. Make it your aim, your goal today, to spend time with God in His Word. Allow Him to speak to you. And while you are at it - hide His words in your heart so that you may not sin against Him.


Unknown said...

Great blog today. I admit, this has always been something I have struggled with. Lately, I have been doing a daily reading plan on I usually listen and read along, it reads the verses aloud, with my ear buds while I eat breakfast. In about the time it takes me to eat breakfast and drink coffee, I can accomplish this task. Now Les and the kids know my new routine and make sure to keep the laptop free. The HOLY SPIRIT has opened many verses up to me and consequently I have shared them on Facebook. To my suprise, I have been contacted through sitemail and comments from friends who thank me for sharing and how it has helped them. It is like GOD has been giving to me so I can give it away. Thank you FATHER.

Neal Hawks said...

That is awesome! I have noticed that God is giving me an even greater desire to be in His Word. It's amazing how such a simple task of reading the Bible can do so much for us.
Glad to hear the good news. Keep sharing.