Thursday, October 8, 2009

When the Mountain Won't Move

Jim Cymbala wrote a book a few years ago entitled "Breakthrough Prayer". Allow me to share a few words with you from Chapter 5.

"Sometimes life gets so tough that even the most faith-filled Christian has difficulty summoning faith to pray for a breakthrough. It doesn't matter how many Bible verses you have memorized or how much God has blessed you in the past. A difficult problem or a heart-breaking set of circumstances suddenly mushrooms into a huge, immovable mountain, whose shadow makes it hard for you to envision how God will answer your prayer.

"All of us, from the strongest to the weakest, experience such times. But rather than allowing our mountains, however massive, to become obstacles to prayer, we can turn them into opportunities to learn valuable lessons about our level of spiritual maturity and our need to go deeper with God in prayer."

Cymbala reminds us of two great challenges in such times of trial and difficulty.
1) "The first challenge is to believe that no situation, however evil or entrenched, is beyond the scope of prayer."
- Are there certain situations where you struggle to believe that God intervenes?
2) "The second hurdle is the waiting."
- If you need any explanation on this one please refer to Friday's blog!
- "Without learning the secret of how to wait in faith, many of us become spiritually fatigued as we pray...Instead of entertaining this as a reasonable doubt, we need to realize that we are encountering an area of spiritual warfare..."

What I want you to understand from all of this is that God is able and faithful to answer our prayers. HE IS FAITHFUL! The only question is whether or not we will be faithful to continue pressing in when things aren't working out. Will we keep praying when it doesn't seem like God is answering? We will continue to believe that He is able? If I believe what the New Testament says in regards to prayer how could I ever give up praying? I truly believe that God longs to answer our prayers. Nothing is too big for Him. Nothing is too complex for Him. We simply need to keep holding on to God no matter how we feel or how bad things get.


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