Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Grace...No Matter What

If you were to listen to some "preachers" you would think that every day should be the best experience you have ever had, filled with all the joy you should ever enjoy, and loaded with all the blessings that you would ever need. In other words: Every day is a good day.

How's that working out for you?

Do I believe that God gives us joy every day, blessings every day, and wonderful experiences? Yes. Do I believe that if I'm walking in His will that I will never experience hardship? No!

When Peter wrote his letters to the early church it was during times of great tribulation. The church was in the beginning stages of widespread persecution. Believers are beginning to scatter from Jerusalem, families are terrified about what will happen, and the ministry of the Gospel is facing a huge challenge. What did Peter tell these early believers? Look in 1 Peter 5:12 for your answer. "...My purpose in writing is to encourage you and assure you that the grace of God is with you no matter what happens."

What a promise! Regardless of what this world throws in your direction - the grace of God is with you. No matter what needs arise - the grace of God is with you. Even in the midst of suffering, pain, stress, and possibly death - the grace of God is with you!

This verse flies in the face of those who would say, "Well...if you just believe in God you can have your best life now." Really? What if I'm not? Does this mean that I have fallen out of God's favor? Does this mean that I'm not where I'm supposed to be? Has God forsaken me during my difficulties? Some people would tell you that if this is my best life now...then they don't want it.

As far as this life is concerned we are never promised sunshine and roses. In fact, Paul said that if all we had was hope in Christ for this life we were the most miserable people on the face of the earth {that is the NH translation}. We aren't promised our best life here. But we are promised a better life ahead!

The Good News of this life is the GRACE of GOD. You may be poor in resources but you can be rich in GRACE. You may be sick physically but you are blessed spiritually. You may have to go through some stuff on this earth but the GRACE of GOD is with you no matter what happens.


My purpose for blogging today is to encourage YOU! The grace of God is with you no matter what happens today. No matter what happened yesterday. No matter what happens tomorrow. His grace never fails because He never fails.

Be encouraged: Grace...no matter what!

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