Friday, October 2, 2009

Can We Wait?

In Genesis 12:2, God told Abram that He would make his name great. Do you realize what God just said?

Too often we see what God is saying without hearing what God is saying. When we read about these people in the Bible, we already see the finished product. We know that God did give Abram a new name, gave him a son, and made him the father of many nations. What we may miss in our reading is that God said, "I will make..."

What God promised Abram wasn't immediate. In fact, it didn't take days, weeks, or months. It took YEARS for Abram to become Abraham. It took years before Abram's name would be great. Day after day, step after step - God was making his name great.

Henry Blackaby says that God was telling Abram that "He would develop his character to match his assignment." I have to ask this question: Can we wait on God to develop us? Too often we are ready to bust through the door. We have heard God and we are ready to go. Believe me...I understand. However, just because God spoke doesn't mean it's time to do something. In fact, it may be time to become something.

I remember that before I went to Alaska on missions that it took 2 years for God to develop this thing. It started rather subtle. God impressed the need upon my heart. I began to pray. Over and over again God reminded me about Alaska. It came through the television, conversations with other believers, and even a car on Main Street in Wytheville with Alaska tags. What was God doing? I was ready to go but nothing had been placed in front of me. I think that God was preparing my heart and me for these people. When I finally had some contact with someone in the state everything fell in place. Where we would go...Who we would work with...What we would do. In the meantime God had been preparing ME.

I have watched people answer the call to ministry only to get frustrated that things didn't go the way they though it should. "Well, I answered the call to preach but nobody is calling me." GIVE HIM TIME! "I said, Here I am Lord - why am I still waiting." GIVE HIM TIME! "I know that God told me to do this but I can't get anyone to respond." GIVE HIM TIME!

When God speaks our answer should be "YES" and our resolve should be to go when the time comes. But we must be willing to wait on God. We must allow God to shape us, prepare us, change us. If we will allow ourselves to be clay in the hands of the potter then He can do whatever He chooses. BTW - we don't have any right to tell God what kind of vessel we want to be.

God will make your name great if you are willing to let Him make it! Don't ever think that you have to make it great. Just let Him do what He always does - WORK IN & THROUGH US!

Give Him time.

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