Thursday, August 13, 2009

Spurgeon on Power

Charles Spurgeon, Finding Peace in Life's Storms

While thumbing through Spurgeon's book I came across this wonderful passage:

"Do not say that Omnipotence is short of instruments to do His will. He could make the very sand of the seashore into preachers of the Gospel if He wanted to. And if He needed tongues to tell about His love, He could make each stone a preacher or each twinkling leaf on the trees a witness for Jesus. It is not instrumentality that is necessary and of first importance. What we need most is the power that moves the instrumentality, which makes the weakest strong and without which even the strongest are weak."

Love this phrase: "What we need most is the power that moves the instrumentality."

Allow me to say it this way:

What we need is God to strum His instruments.

We need to wind to blow upon His horns.

We need the Savior to extend His hands.

We are the instruments that God uses in the world. We are the Spirit's horns upon which He blows. He are the hands of the Savior to a world in need. The question is not our ability but His ability in our availability.

For those of you who are regular readers of this blog then you have read my words concerning the work and gifts of the Holy Spirit. We need God's gifts working in us that we may be those instruments of usefulness. We cannot expect to perform kingdom work in our own abilities. We must work in the power of His Spirit.

Our God is still able to create. He could create what He needs but He already has. Actually, He has recreated us for His usefulness. May we simply lay ourselves at His feet. Then all He has to do is pick us up when He is ready!

Do not question your usefulness. Do not question your inactivity. You may be waiting for God to move through you for some great purpose. Don't get frustrated and decide to make your own way. Allow God to strum you. Allow the Spirit to blow upon you. Allow the Savior to move you. Then, and only then, will you bring glory to God in what you do.

May you experience the power of the Omnipotent One today.

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