Friday, August 14, 2009


1 Cor. 12:7, "But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all..."

1 Cor. 12:11, "But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills."

I love to blog. It gives me an opportunity to verbalize the things that I'm thinking about. I just finished up a conversation with some missionaries from our church. This couple is experiencing the work of the Holy Spirit in ways that they did not think possible. What they are experiencing is nothing less than the verses I just listed. The manifestation of the Spirit along with the distribution of the gifts that He gives.

I am beginning to realize that God doesn't simply give us 1 gift. Sure, each of us have been given a primary gift that we are able to operate in on a daily basis. However, since the Gift Giver dwells inside of us, He is able to bring to life any of the gifts "as He wills."

Jack Hayford says, "Discovering the giftedness the Father has begotten in us should not substitute for our earnest availability to operate in any of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit listed here, as He - of His will - distributes them through the church." Kingdom Dynamics listed in the Spirit Filled Life Bible.

What other reason could there be for me as a pastor to be able to operate in more than one gift? Why am I able to operate in the gift of prophecy from time to time? Why is there a discerning to the spirits, words of knowledge, wisdom, faith, or healings that have manifested themselves in my life if we only have 1 gift? I'm a firm believer that the kingdom principle of being faithful in the small things will bring a greater responsibility with the bigger things applies even in the area of spiritual gifts.

This couple that I'm speaking of (which many of you know) come from a highly conservative background. Though they have been open to the work of God in their lives and ministry, there were certain things that they had yet to experience. Yet here they are serving overseas and God is opening them up to what He is doing. Not only are they seeing God work in them individually but they are witnessing the manifestation of the Spirit in the lives around them. How exciting!

I was given permission to share their story with our church. They know what I'm preaching/teaching about in our church and it's their desire to see PBC open to the work of the Holy Spirit. They are encouraged by the fact that we are on this journey together. They may be walking in another part of the world BUT we are walking together.

The great thing about this teaching in the local church is that there is no room for pride and no need to feel inferior in the body of Christ. Some people may be experiencing the manifestation of the Spirit of God in different areas but we are all able to move in these areas. As long as we allow what God does in us to be for the profit of all we will see great things happen. We must also keep 1 Cor. 13 in mind. Paul lists the gifts in 12 to give the body an understanding of how God gives to the church. In 14 Paul gives the order of how they should operate in these gifts. 13 is in the middle to remind the church that love is of utmost importance as we move and operate in the gifts. When we operate in love we are not jealous, boastful, prideful, or envious. We can all work together as one body with different functions. Sounds like a great concept!

I hope that you all have a great weekend. Pray for us as we learn how to teach on the truths of God's Word. May He move us beyond knowledge to experience. To Him be the glory.

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