Thursday, August 20, 2009

Service Evangelism

Don't have a lot of time for typing today. Ernie & I have been taking some fruit boxes around to the schools in our ministry area.

Interesting to me is what a small gesture can do to open someone's eyes to the church and the Gospel. Think about it: A warm meal, a helping hand in the yard, babysitting the kids, buying a load of groceries, even handing out light bulbs. The list goes on and on. The question is not what we do but why we do it.

Our church body is made up of a lot of people who work in the public school system. For those of us in the Christian community, we understand how difficult it is to get into the schools from time to time. However, I have found that you can reach out to the administrators, teachers, and staff. That's why we took fruit boxes to the area schools.

This isn't just something we do through the church. We can also take on projects in our communities. Do you have a neighbor whose yard could be mowed? What about some trees that could use pruning? The task isn't as important to us but rather why we would take the time to do it.

When Jennifer and I lived in town our next door neighbor was a widow. She moved to the area without any family. Of course, when her yard started to come in there was no one to mow it. So I would just mow hers with mine. She always protested that she would just pay someone. I simply said, "That's fine if you want to hire someone. I will just mow it until you do." I would also go out and remove snow from her driveway in the winter. She was already a believer but she still needed the help.

Who knows what God will use to reach someone. Just keep your eyes open.

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