Friday, July 10, 2009

Hanging with the Family

Friday in the summer - how refreshing!

I'm not going to blog for long today. We have family plans for the day and I don't want to take too much time away.

Many of you know that I turned 35 last week. I'm realizing (more and more) that time truly does fly by. We had someone over at the house the other day and they were commenting on the kids 1st year pictures. They said, "Man, isn't it amazing how much they change in a year." How true!

I'm trying my best to enjoy these days even if it takes away from certain "responsibilities." It's only temporary and my kids will only be "kids" for a while which means I MUST influence their lives now. It's days like this that you learn to work from home (when you can), and enjoy life.

Today will be special because we will spend it with our family and some good friends from North Carolina. So today's agenda: Good Christian Fellowship & Good Clean Family Fun. Who said being a Christian is boring?

I hope that everyone enjoys their weekend. For my church family: I look forward to worshipping with you this Sunday. God is going to do some great things as we share about our recent Ukraine trip. For all my friends reading on the web: Thanks for stopping by. Now go and enjoy your family and friends.

God is Good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Children are needed to humble us with their questions, break up our endless "adult" discussions, bring us down to earth from our pious clouds, and act as natural evangelists and bridge builders. They also help us to prove the fruits of the Spirit - patience, for example - and will serve as heaven-sent spies to spot instantly any trace in us of religious superstition and hypocrisy.

- Houses that Change the World
by: Wolfgang Simson

Long story short.... SPEND as much tims as possible with those little people...... both they and you will be better for it.