Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools Day

O.K. So it's April Fools Day. I must admit that I pulled a prank on my daughter ~ it's part of the fun...right? One of the greatest jokes that I have heard regarding April 1st is about the judge who heard a case from a group of atheists who wanted a national holiday. He offered up April Fools Day as a perfect date. Why not? The Bible tell us in Psalm 14:1 & 53:1 that the fool has said in their heart that there is no God. Works for me.

Here's the problem: It's not funny! It's not funny that many professors on our college campuses are spewing out the theory to our young people that belief in God is just a myth. It's not funny that evolution is taught as fact rather than theory. It's not funny that even the leaders of our nation are doing their part to remove God from any and everything associated with the federal government. If the fool has said in his heart that there is no God, how foolish is it to remove Him from the classroom, creation, and politics?

I believe in the separation of Church and State. I just don't believe it in the way most government officials portray it. This line in our constitution was intended to keep the state out of the church not the other way around. It's intent was to keep churches free from the political positioning we see in Washington. It was intended to ensure Freedom of Religion. However, people have used this phrase to do everything in their power to eliminate God from every facet of public life.

Our children are afraid to pray, speak up, or seek out any type of religious exercise within their schools. They have been taught that you cannot introduce God into the classroom situation. But it's just not true. Our students have the right on their own to pray over meals, pray before tests, and even assemble with other students for Bible Study/Prayer as long as they lead it. The teachers within our schools are often afraid of stepping over their boundaries. They have been told they cannot initiate or lead in any religious exercise. The good news: they can answer questions when asked!

I'm a firm believer that when prayer was taken out of the public schools is the same time we watched our education system begin to tank. Now...I understand the difficulty in all of this. I don't want just anyone leading my kids in prayer. However, I don't have a problem with a moment of silence every day. The problem is that many of these kids have been sent to school without positive parental influence. Some of them are hurting emotionally, abused physically, and empty spiritually. Our teenagers are cutting themselves, exposing themselves, and getting pregnant way too early. Many of these problems are due to bad home situations. We can't blame them (necessarily) on the government school system. But I know teachers who could make a difference in the lives of these kids. Yet some of them are fearful that they will lose their jobs if they step in with some spiritual advice. The problem is that our government views all these problems as emotional, physical, social, or psychological. They fail to see the spiritual implications.

Our nation was founded upon values that reflect faith in God. We cannot remove Him from the public sector. To do so will result in the fall of our nation.

As believers we need to pray for the moral direction of our nation. What we hope to see cannot be accomplished legislatively. But God can do great things through the prayers of His people. Don't be fooled into thinking its about having the right person in the right position. These things may help but God's prescription for the healing of our nation rests with His people humbling themselves, praying, seeking His face, and turning from their wickedness.

So go ahead and enjoy the "foolishness" of this day. Have fun with it. Just don't get caught in the trap that so many "intellectuals" have found themselves in. God is REAL. His creation cries out everyday of His validity, and the empty tomb reminds us that God has made a difference in the lives of the human race. He is our hope. Trust in Him today.

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