Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Truth or Dare?

My wife and I just started the love dare book together and I want to recommend it to all couples. In reality this isn't a "truth or dare" game but rather a dare for anyone who is willing to face the truth.

If you look at the statistics about marriage you will find that you have (according to the world's standards) a 50% chance to get it right. And the 50% that do get it right usually just "get by".


If you ask me it's because too many people have been led by their heart. That's right...they were in love but because love is simply an emotion when they don't "feel" it anymore they just co-exist. In the intro of the book you will find that the "Love Dare" is a choice to take the lead with your heart rather than being led by it.

With all the resolutions out there for the New Year can we not take the time to work on something more important than our weight? How about our marriage? Wouldn't it be wonderful for the marriages that are surviving to begin thriving? Wouldn't it be great for husbands and wives to rediscover the joy and love of marriage? It can happen and as far as me and Jenn are concerned it will.

Just to be fair let me point out that I have a good marriage. My wife and I are committed to one another, to our family, and to the Kingdom of God. We do not have the baggage of the past to carry around, no hurts from improper relationships outside of marriage, and there is no abuse. We simply want to see a good marriage become a great one.

How about you? Ready to join others who have been willing to tell truth and take the dare or just let your marriage stay where it is? Come on...I dare you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Molly and I are doing it as well. It is good to be open again about what drew us together in the first place. I ecourage all to try this it really works (so far). I Dare you!!!