Friday, January 16, 2009

President George W. Bush - May God Be With You

Last night President George W. Bush gave a farewell address to the nation. After listening to his speech I can only say, "May God be with you."

I also want to say "Thank You" to a president who was willing to act on behalf of the American people. Thank you for keeping us safe. Thank you for your willingness to follow what you believed to be right for America.

I don't know if there has ever been a president that I have agreed with 100% - none of them are/were perfect. However, I do believe that God placed President Bush as the leader of our nation at the right time in our history.

I pray that God will grant peace and security to his family. I also hope that history will reflect all that was accomplished during his presidency. He led our government in their greatest task - to keep us safe and secure.

Thank You and May God be with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My thoughts exactly !