Thursday, August 27, 2015

When was the last time...?

The Church of Ephesus in the Revelation reminds us that it is easy to get in the wrong mindset. We can do a lot of stuff. We can defend the faith to anyone. We can know what we believe & why we believe it. And even in the mist of it all we can not have our heart in any of it. While there may be some things that could be said about me, I hope that it is never said that I wasn't passionate about what I do.

I honestly believe that one of the greatest faith killers around is apathy. A lack of concern, interest, or enthusiasm. Going through the motions but never giving or receiving anything. Never engaging people. We are doing stuff but we really don't want to do it. And what we are doing, we do out of duty, shame, or appearance. Apathy creeps in unaware. Often gets ignored because we believe we are just worn down. We don't even realize what it is doing in our heart.

When was the last time you hopped on a swing? Seriously! When was the last time you stopped by a playground sat in that sliver of a seat and began rocking back & forth?
When was the last time you sang to the top of your lungs? Danced? Laughed uncontrollably? Whistled?
When was the last time you cried because of what the Lord has done rather than what you have done?
I simply ask these questions because life can callous you. It can drain your zeal. You can find yourself disconnected on so many levels.

When was the last time you went on a date with your spouse?
When was the last time you took the kids on an adventure (not a vacation)?
"When was the last time you did something for the first time?" (not sure of the author of the quote)
Do you see how easy it is to fall into routine? To dismiss the lack of enthusiasm we were meant to carry.

Abundant life to me carries so much more than just an eternal perspective. I see the abundant life that Jesus promised as a reality we should enjoy each and every day. Rather than a lack of concern, I see us engaging on every level. Rather than a lack of interest, I find myself wanting to know the heart of God and others. Rather than a lack of enthusiasm, I find myself passionate about every facet of life. I'm not saying that I'm bubbly. That's not me at all. I'm not chipper either. What I am is joyful. I'm passionate about the journey. I'm passionate about the people in my life. I'm passionate about the Lord, the Church, and the Truth that sets us free. I can't afford to be any other way.

I, like most of us, have had seasons of apathy. I despise them. They create isolation. They cause me to think differently. I find myself pulling back. I miss out on the incredible joy of the Lord which is meant to be my strength.

The blog for today is meant to ask a simple question:
When was the last time you ______________________?
Are you missing out on the joy of relationship?
Is there a lack of intimacy in your life with the Lord & others?
Are you going through the motions in any area of life?
You were not designed to live this way. You were created to Know the Lord in every circumstance. To Perceive & See what He is doing. To Find Him & Discern life from His point of view. And you were meant to enjoy every minute of it.

When was the last time you felt like you were really living?

The Good News is that you have a well of life inside of you. The Lord is simply inviting you to draw from it. This is not a time to give up. It's a time to drink deep. You never have to thirst again.

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