Thursday, March 28, 2013

Resurrection Hope

1 Peter 1:3 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead..." (NIV)

On Sunday we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. The reality of our faith hinges upon this one event in history. Your challenge: Don't allow the hope of the resurrection to get lost in the familiarity of the story.

Make EVERY DAY a Celebration!!!
- Don't wait until resurrection Sunday to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Every day provides an opportunity to rejoice in what the Lord has done. Take time to worship. Take time to be amazed. Take time to give thanks. The resurrection of Christ was never meant to be a holy day but lead to a continual rejoicing in our lives.

Walk in the NEWNESS of LIFE!!!
- One of the greatest expression of thanksgiving that we can give to God is to walk in the newness of life that is ours through the resurrection of Jesus. This is the hope that we carry - that God makes all things NEW. We aren't regulated to walking in our past. We don't have to do what has always been done. NEWNESS is our every day. NEW opportunities. NEW hope. NEW experiences. NEW revelation.

REFRESH yourself in the resurrection of Christ!!!
- Take some time this week to read through the "passion" of Christ in the Gospels. See the determination in His face as He prepares to go to the Cross. Embrace the sadness of the punishment. Weep over the lifeless body being placed in the tomb. Be amazed at the word "He is not here. He is RISEN!" And be overcome with joy as Mary realizes that IT IS her Lord that speaks to her in the garden. Tremble at His entrance into the upper room with His disciples. Feel the burning in your heart as He talks with the disciples on the road to Emmaus.

As you go through these experiences, allow the Lord to speak through you. Write a song, a poem, or your testimony. Draw or paint a picture. Share the death, burial, and resurrection story with those around you. Pray, Confess your faith in Him anew, share in the Lord's Supper, and establish your heart in the resurrection. Allow your imagination to take you on a journey to the dusty roads of Jerusalem. Walk the path that has been referred to as the "Via Dolorosa". Go into the empty tomb - feel the coldness of death - and rejoice over it's vacancy.

We have been birthed into a living hope. In other words, we have a confident expectation that is alive and well. The resurrection of Jesus is more than a one day event but an opportunity to experience resurrection life every day. This is your hope. This is the hope of the entire world. If you have a firsthand account of the salvation that comes through the resurrection then share it with someone else. If you have never experienced the abundant life of Christ then there is no better time than now. The Bible tells us that if we believe that Jesus is raised from the dead and confess Him as Lord that we shall be saved. Place your faith in Him today. Begin walking in the newness, the hope, and the joy that is the resurrection of Christ.

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