Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Walking In His Light

I'm sure I have posted this before (at least some of it) but it bears repeating. After reading the book "Blessed Child" I was confronted with the words of Bill Bright who helped co-author with Ted Dekker. May these words challenge you as well as we seek to see the Kingdom of God established in the earth. I pray that the Body of Christ will once again discover the power of God. I pray that we will not shy away from the work of the Holy Spirit. And I pray that we will once again embrace the Kingdom as a little child.

"...It is the truth that God is indeed alive and still moves in supernatural ways today, whenever He so desires and for His purposes, through the lives of those who love, trust, and obey Him. It's the truth that the source of God's power is found in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Spirit, not in man's devices. It's the truth that what we see with our own eyes on a day-to-day basis isn't the half of it. There is indeed a supernatural reality all around us that is just as real as the world we see.

"And most importantly, it's the truth that, when seen through spiritual eyes, a healed heart and transformed life are far more spectacular than a straightened hand or restored sight. These were the themes of the New Testament church, and they must be the themes that guide our lives today. As dedicated believers, we are on a grand adventure that bristles with power and excitement. But I have been saddened again and again at the lack of enthusiasm and zeal among many who claim to be His followers. A lack of first love among His body - the Church.

"The Bible explains that in the last days people will hold to a form of godliness while denying its power (2 Timothy 3:5). Sadly, many believers do not know of the reality of living a supernatural life through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit...

"...At Campus Crusade for Christ we have noticed that the response in many parts of the world to the Jesus Film in phenomenal. Audiences who see the film say that if Jesus can heal the blind, He can heal them too. And so He does. In face, we have reported situations where people have actually been raised form the dead, and their communities revolutionized by the message that resulted.

"But in the Western world, we are more prone to rationalize and analyze until the true meaning of the gospel is dissipated and often rendered powerless. We become like the churches in Ephesus and Laodicea: we have left our first love and are neither hot or cold. We find it difficult to believe that Jesus would do today what He did centuries ago, while many of our fellow believers across the seas do believe and they rejoice in the fruits of their belief..."

{Blessed Child - Ted Dekker & Bill Bright - pp.349-351}

It is my prayer for you that during this Christmas season that you allow the joy, wonder, and awe of the good tiding of great joy to be birthed anew in your heart. May you be captured once again by the reality of God's power, love, and grace in our lives. And may you find yourself walking in the incredible light of this grand adventure!!!

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