Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Start a Revolution!!!

During the course of ministry the Lord has allowed me to run I have encountered a lot of people who are looking for revival. Over the last few years I have come to believe that we do not need revival as much as we need a revolution. To revive something by definition means to make something alive again. We are not dead - but we do need something to happen.

A revolution, by definition, dictates a forceable overthrow, a radical change in society and social structure, and a sudden/complete/marked change in something. That "something" that needs to take place is how we operate as the Body of Christ. In particular the "something" that needs to happen is how we respond to the "one anothers" of Scripture. There are at least 54 verses in the New Testament that lead us in how we treat one another.
Be at Peace

Regardless of the version of the Bible you read, you will find these verses from the Gospels and through the epistles. God is quite deliberate in how we live as a community of believers. The love that we display, the honor that we show, the service that we provide, the peace we live in, and the forgiveness we give matters. It's my belief that THIS is the revolution that needs to take place: Every Member of the Body of Christ sharing in the One Anothers of the Bible!

Of course, this type of revolution will require that we operate differently as it relates to structure in the church as well. No longer can we expect one person (a pastor) to fulfill all 54 one anothers. We also cannot expect a particular group (ministry leaders, teachers, deacons, etc.) to be the only ones who take care of these commands. The church as a whole needs to take part. We must recapture the New Testament understanding of the "Body" where every member does their part.

Do I think this can actually happen? Absolutely! I'm a firm believer that anything God commands us to do that He gives us the power to make it happen. Do I believe it will be easy? No. It will not be easy because the of the current structure within most churches. It won't be easy because of the cultures that we have instilled within the church. This age of consumerism within the church will war against everyone fulfilling the one anothers because it will mean that we are no longer looking at what we can get out of the church. We will have to ask "what can I give?".

Let's start a revolution!
Let's make sure that the world will see our love for one another.
Let's ensure that we serve one another.
Let's give honor where honor is due.
Let's become the most forgiving people in the world.
And by all means let us live at peace with one another.

We are the Body of Christ and as His body we re-present Him to the earth. Let's make this happen! The REVOLUTION begins with you!!!

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