Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Power of Revelation

It's no secret here that the letter Paul wrote to the church of Galatia is one of my favorites in the New Testament. The freedom and liberty that is passed on to these new followers of Christ is truly remarkable. The older I get in the faith the more impressed I am at the ability of the other Apostles to accept Paul. His message and methods were radically different.

At the beginning of his letter Paul states that the gospel he preaches was not passed down to him from man but was something he received through revelation [see Galatians 1:11-12]. This is no small statement. Imagine someone coming into the "church" of today and stating that they had received a revelation from God. Do you understand the scrutiny that there life and message would receive? Thankfully, for all of us, Paul's message stands as a true gospel of liberation. It's a testimony of the true freedom that is found in Christ.

What makes this gospel radically different?

For starters, the audience was different. We are no longer hearing a message that is communicated to a Jewish audience. These men and women (at least for the most part) did not have their roots in the traditions of Judaism.

Secondly, the message had absolutely no hints of legalism. There wasn't a need for these new believers to adhere to the Law in any shape or form. They were free to experience God outside of religious obligation.

Last of all, in my opinion, what makes this gospel message so radically different is that it trusts the work of the Holy Spirit in every believer. That's HUGE!!!

While I cannot speak for all of you, I know that my background in the faith is founded in the traditional church. I have been taught the basic principles of the faith, gone through the rituals, and grown accustomed to the routines. The fact that I have been able to embrace a true gospel of grace wasn't an easy task. The truth of the matter is, had I not received revelation along the way, I could have easily "stayed the course." It's all too easy to regurgitate what has been handed down to us without ever seeking the Lord for ourselves. We can come up in those environments, be recognized as faithful people, and even operate as a teacher who continues to pass down what has been handed to us.

Now...before I go any further it's important that you understand where I'm going with this. Not everything that has been passed down to us is wrong. There are truths that will endure to every generation. These things will never change. What I am saying is that there are some beliefs within the faith community that need to be challenged. There are some mindsets that need to be torn down. And the only way this is going to happen is when you and I become willing to hear from God.

Throughout the centuries we have seen several reformations that have come through God revealing Himself. Can you imagine where we would be today had "salvation by grace through faith" not been recaptured? What about the "priesthood of all believers"? It's easy for us to think that all the hard work has been done but the truth is that the Christian faith in many areas is still steeped in the traditions of man. What needs to be recaptured is the heart of God. This only comes through the power of revelation.

Whether you choose to believe this or not, the Holy Spirit was always meant to be the Supreme Teacher in spiritual truth. I do believe that this concept is being recaptured in many areas of our faith. I see this especially in the areas of recapturing what grace means for the believer and understanding what true freedom in Christ looks like. These are exciting days for us because the more we capture God's heart in this generation, the greater the expression in the next generation.

Here's what I want to encourage you with:
If you are looking at some of the beliefs that have been handed down to you and questioning them, take them before the Lord along with the Bible and ask Him to speak to you. This may sound too simple but the fact is that many of us have only looked into the Bible to explain what we believe. I think the time has come for us to change our motives. Why don't look into the Bible and allow it to explain to us what we should believe? This idea is even harder in an age of reasoning. However, I do think it's necessary for us to recapture the heart and mind of God. It also means that we have to trust the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

With all that being said, I'm excited for you. I see the Lord opening up more doors for you to see into His heart. I see you encountering the Word of God afresh. The words on those pages will no longer seem dry and/or empty but they will come alive in you. In the New Testament we find two different words translated as "word": "Logos" refers to that which has been spoken. "Rhema" refers to that which is uttered. One is viewed in the past tense while the other is viewed as right now. In this season God will take the logos (the Bible) and make it rhema (God breathed) in your life. What makes the difference? That is the power of revelation.

May God continue to breathe upon His Word in your life. Enjoy the journey!!!

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