Thursday, September 27, 2012

Looking for the Next Big Thing?

Do you know anyone who just has to have the newest phone, newest car, newest computer, or newest ipod? Our society seems to be consumed with having the next big thing. Unfortunately, this mindset has crept its way into the faith community. Go into any Christian Bookstore and you can catch up on all the latest fads in church growth and Christian thinking. While I'm appreciative of all the input that is available, I almost cringe we I see a new book hit the market because I know what is coming next.

Do you remember when Experiencing God was the greatest thing available? This is the study developed by Henry Blackaby that helps people to know and understand the will of God. There for a while you couldn't go anywhere without seeing or hearing about it. Personally, I still use the study because it is very helpful. But who would have thought that "Experiencing God" would be replaced with the Next Big Thing?

EG is just an example of how things happen in Christian circles. A book is published, a study is created, conferences/workshops become available, then it is repackaged for specific ages or affinity groups, when suddenly out of nowhere it disappears. I've seen it time and time again. I could create an entire blog entry of book titles, small group studies, and training materials that were once considered cutting edge. While people in the publishing world may understand this phenomenon - I do not. It's not because I don't like to see change. I tend to embrace change. I love the different seasons that the Lord allows us to enter into. It's just that I don't like the mindset. I don't like the approach. And I don't like the culture it has created. Think about it: How many people bought a pet rock but found themselves unfulfilled? Sure...they had the next big thing but what did it accomplish?

On the Day of Pentecost, the disciples of Jesus received the Next Big Thing. The Holy Spirit came upon them in power and the world was forever changed. It's hard to imagine things being radically different after Jesus left the Earth but isn't that what He promised? John 14:12, "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father." I'm not trying to burst anyone's bubble but the Holy Spirit has always been the next big thing that would overtake all other experiences in the Lord. He would take us further than we could imagine. He would provide everything we would ever need. He would gift us beyond comprehension, lead us into all truth, and forever alter the way we relate to the Father. It doesn't get any better than this.

Please understand where I'm coming from. I enjoy reading new perspectives on church life and ministry. I love to see people challenged in they way they think, the way they approach prayer, etc. What I don't like is the idea that we have to have the latest fad in Christian thought. God's Word shall endure to all generations. How is that possible? Does God repackage it? Does He send it out to the next focus group to see what the effect would be? NO - one of the reasons His Word endures to every generation is because He has placed within us a receiver who is able to interpret into our day and time. The Spirit of the Living God continually makes His Word fresh and alive in us. That's the power of the Holy Spirit!!!

So...why is there this need for the next big thing? My opinion? I believe the church has taken on the persona that says "We shall not be moved." That's why you can easily step into a church building and feel as though you entered a time warp. Songs that never change, wardrobes never change, structures never change, and the way the Bible is taught never changes. Is it any wonder that people get incredibly excited when there is something put on the market that causes us to consider God differently or ministry in a different light? When we do not allow the Holy Spirit to breath new life into our "church life" then the result will always be traditionalism. Man always seems to default to a religious mindset. The next big thing that is needed isn't new - it's the ministry and work of the Holy Spirit.

Allow me to encourage you in this: You don't need the next big thing. You need an encounter with the Holy Spirit. Your church - although there may need to be some changes - needs to do more than adopt a new program. It's needs the freshness of life that comes from the Spirit of God breathing into the Body of Christ. The only way we will ever enter into the SAME works of Jesus (or the GREATER works for that matter) is when we become intimately involved with the work, ministry, and excellence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

Spend some time today thanking God for the incredible gift of His presence in your life. Ask Him to fill you to overflowing. And stay in that place until you know that He has moved upon your life. Jesus said, "How much more will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask."

PBC Voice will not have a blog entry tomorrow. I'm going away for a couple of days with my awesome family. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. See you next week.

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