Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Are You REALLY Living?

One of my favorite movie quotes comes from Braveheart: "Every man dies but not every man truly lives." When I think about Jesus' statement, I have to ask myself the question, are we REALLY living? John 10:10, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."

The life that Jesus' speaks about is an absolute fullness of life. The Greek word is "Zoe" - it is the same quality of life that belongs to God and given to us through Jesus. The thief on the other hand wishes to destroy life. He will do everything possible to keep us from entering into a God-quality of life. As I have been reflecting upon this aspect of life it has stirred up some things I want to share with you.

Is there anything that is keeping you from experiencing fullness of life? Immediately there are people who will begin to list physical problems, financial situation, emotional baggage, and the like. However, I want you to probe a little deeper. If Jesus died to make us whole (and He did) then what is hindering us from entering into wholeness? What physical problem, financial situation, or personal feelings could keep us from abundant life? What you and I have to remember is that the quality of life that Jesus is willing to share is not dependent upon anything other than our willingness to receive. One of the greatest hindrances to walking in abundant life is our mindset. It's the way we perceive life. It's the way we postpone entering into all that God has given.
We say things like:
"I'll really be happy when..."
"I'll be glad when this is over."
"I can't wait until..."

All of these statement are void of the truth that each of us need to cling to and that is that abundant life is already ours through Christ.

What you and I have to recognize is that one of the ways the enemy works is to give us thoughts that are not our own. He works to make us think that life isn't what it's supposed to be or that we are always missing out on something. How many times have we seen what looks like a normal and happy family fall apart after years of marriage. Typically you will see one or both spouses begin to search for happiness and life in other things. It's amazing how quick things can change in those situations. Blinded by the lie that they were never really happy or under the delusion that things were never really that good. It's a hard statement for some people to swallow but the reality is that they bought into one of the greatest deceptions known to man: "You really aren't experiencing everything that you should be experiencing."

This is the deception that caused Adam & Eve to fall. They bought into the lie that they really were not like God and that they were not experiencing the life He had promised. In the midst of that lie they had forgotten about the incredible fellowship they had with their Creator. They were blinded to the reality that they had everything they could ever need in that place. Sadly, in the end, they were betrayed by their emotions. What a horrible discovery - to know that you always had the fullness of life inside of you but you never realized it.

The challenging part of history is that we must always remember it or we are doomed to repeat it. This same deception pulls wool over the eyes of countless lives. Men and women, boys and girls, believer and unbelievers alike can share in the destruction that comes from the enemy never realizing that God has provided everything we need. 2 Peter 1:3 is still true: "His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and excellence". Never ever lose sight of this all important truth or you will find yourself searching for life outside of the life giver.

If you have placed your faith and trust in Jesus then you already have His quality of life within you. By faith you need to access that life. You need to learn how to tap into the God-quality of life that Jesus gives. It's a quality of life that will change everything. How many marriages could be saved when infused by a Zoe life? How many parent/child relationships can be amazingly altered by Zoe life? How many people would be able to find contentment, joy, and purpose if they would allow Zoe life to flow through them?

Faith actualizes what it realizes. In other words, when you know you have something in Christ then your faith makes it a reality. Jesus told His followers that they would possess His life, His joy, His peace, and His power. They were constantly encouraged to enter into the same quality of life that He possessed. I think it is high time for the Body of Christ to do the same. We have an incredible wellspring of life in the Holy Spirit. Learning to tap into this well needs to be the discipline that we pursue above all others. From Him flows the righteousness, the peace, the prosperity, the joy, and the power that we all need. It's already ours because of Christ. TAP INTO IT!!! There are a lot of people who say they have life but are they REALLY living? God has given you a choice. Choose Life.

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