Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Take Another Look...

"May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God." (Ephesians 3:19 NLT) I want us to take another look at the love of God. May this thinking refresh your spirit.

Not so long ago, I shared with you how knowing the love of God will bring us into the fullness of God. I want to take this a step further. After reading in Banning Liebscher's book "Jesus Culture", I was reminded of something: "Experience is the key to fullness because it brings revelation. Without the revelation knowledge that comes by experience, we are limited to operating with only information. Most Christians have the correct information. In the majority of churches, if I were to ask, 'Do you believe Jesus loves you?' I'm certain that 99 percent of the congregation would respond with a sincere yes...But are you responding out of information or revelation?"

Information alone is not enough. Do you know what most of us do with information? We argue about it, debate it, and try to figure out if we can trust it. I hear people do it all the time. I can share a message about the unconditional love of God and almost immediately people will begin to question it. The discussion can play out in a Sunday School class, out in the foyer, or in the car on the way home. And even in the midst of our discussions we may be convinced of God's love but have we been moved by it. Have we experienced it to the point that nothing will ever separate me from it in my mind?

Here's an example (also borrowed from Liebscher's book):
When Evander Holyfield, former heavyweight boxing champion, was in his primed, people would talk about how hard he hit. You could listen to interviews, watch the fights, or read articles about the subject. However, until you laced up the gloves and experienced a shot to the jaw, you will always operate out of information. Unfortunately, this is how many believers operate in their beliefs. We may be thoroughly convinced in our thinking but are we operating out of experience?

The good news for us is that God has made His love available to us. If we want to experience His love then we must take the time to get into His presence. The question is whether or not we will make/take the time. Am I willing to set everything else aside? Am I willing to obey the prompting in my spirit? Am I willing to go through the door of Jesus and come to the throne of grace? I am completely convinced that God wants for us to experience Him. Information about Him is not enough. Doctrine alone will not suffice. He's longing for His people to burn with a passion for Him and that passion comes through an experiential relationship.

Jesus has promised to manifest Himself to us. But reading alone will not bring it.
God has promised that we can experience Him. But prayer alone will not make it happen.
It's about seeking Him...getting into His presence...longing to experience Him above everything else...and waiting for God to move. Is that what you want?

This is an invitation to something intimate...something real. Is there anything in your heart that is saying "I want more than just knowing about God"? Is your spirit crying out saying "It's not enough that I can talk about Him"? Are you ready to experience God? Then you must take some time to talk with Him, worship Him, and listen to His voice. Make His voice the loudest voice in your life. Make His presence the most important part of your day. Determine in your heart that you are going to encounter God today.

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