Thursday, March 11, 2010

What Have We Become?

God has blessed me to serve in ministry since I was 19 years of age. During this time frame I have seen a lot of things change in the church. I have witnessed first-hand the move of God in the areas of worship, acceptance of different Bible translations, a move from suits to a more casual environment, etc. There has been a lot of changes (as there should be) however, there has been a lot of loss as well.

When I read about the early church in the book of Acts it's easy to see what we have lost.
Sense of Community
The Power of God
A Zeal for the Lost
An Urgency to Share the Gospel
A Need for Genuine Prayer
Boldness during persecution
Need I go on?

Unfortunately, for many churches we don't look anything like the early church at all. I'm sure that some would blame changes in worship style, dress codes, Bible translations, etc. In fact, some would characterize many of these changes as a worldly approach. I beg to differ. I actually see it as customary that churches would take on new practices. The church in Acts changed their approach to ministry all the time. Whenever a need arose among the Body of Christ, they would address it. What we must be careful about in the area of change is losing a passion for the things of God in the process.

The area of my greatest frustration is when we see the church become nothing more than a social club. It may seem foreign to some of us but there are those who view the church as business opportunity, social networking, or a place to simply cover up the pain in their lives. As long as the church can continue to "meet their needs" or entertain them - all will be well. But when the church begins to move in the direction of TRUTH - problems will follow.

Jesus told Peter that when He build the church upon the strong foundation of who He was that the gates of hell would not prevail against it! Is that what we are seeing today?

Our focus as the Body of Christ us to be upon the one who died for us. Serving Almighty God should take priority above everything else. We cannot continue to lose this focus and expect God to continue to bless us.

I'm calling all churches to be in prayer. I'm asking them to seek afresh the will of God for their congregation. If they need to repent - then call a sacred assembly. May we turn our hearts to the heart of the Father. Then (and only then) can we expect to see the church (once again) conquering the gates of hell.

RISE UP CHURCH! Be everything that God has called you to be.

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