Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sharing Your Faith During Easter

I found this article in today's Baptist Press. Bill Fay, author of "Share Jesus Without Fear" shares his thoughts on sharing your faith during Easter.

With Easter just days away, wouldn't it be wonderful to see the Lord enter the hearts of family and friends and people that we love?

There is not a conversation that you cannot turn into a spiritual test-point to see if God is at work. Let me give you a simple example.

You could be talking with someone about sports and simply say, "What is your favorite sport?" They may reply, "football." Just say, "I am just curious: Did you ever notice that so many pro athletes destroy their lives no matter how much money they're making? I'm just curious, do you think there's a heaven and hell?" You can go from football to heaven in one simple question.

I was in a restaurant the other day and a server came to my table. I simply said, "I love the cross you're wearing. Have you figured out when you die, where you're going?" She broke down crying. She had lost her 21 year old son to cancer and her mother had died. She was in church with me the next day.

One of my favorite questions is, "Do you have any kind of spiritual belief?" I don't ask someone if they believe in God. The second question I like asking is, "To you, who is Jesus?" If they have a relationship with Christ, they'll say, "My Lord, My Savior."

I really like asking someone, "When you die where will you go?" Most people will say, "I hope heaven." I then ask, "Why would God let you in?" If they give a works answer -- for instance, "I'm a really wonderful person" -- I ask, "If what you're believing is not true, do you want to know?"

I want to give you a challenge before your family and friends arrive at your home for Easter. Start to pray and think about one person you could go to and just ask these questions. You will experience how open people are. A lost person doesn't have any answers in this world of chaos, but the Christian does. If you're a born-again Christian, you have the only answer that's possible, and that is the risen Christ.

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