Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of the Union?

O.K.! We just hear the president's state of the union address last night. In summary, "...........................(Bush's fault)................(still spending like crazy)..........(I, me, mine).............(evil rich & corporations)...........(spend a lot more money).............(sound tough on defense).........(spending freeze {lol})...............(did I just say terrorist?).........(reach out to the left).........(I won't quit)......." In reality: AMERICA NEEDS TO DIG IN!

When Obama was elected president, I said that I would give him a fair chance. I would wait to see what he did as the leader of our nation - policies, handling of the war & terrorism, etc. After watching last night's address: he is still the guy that I didn't want elected. I thought that it was clear that he is still pushing an agenda that will bankrupt America, leave us vulnerable in the world, and that will satisfy the far left. "Hope" and "Change" has turned into "Hype" and "Catch-phrases". He's still a smooth talker but I thought his speech lacked the charisma that seemed to enamor the people during the election season.

It looks like this year will be no different than his first few months in office. We will:
Spend money we don't have
Increase taxes everywhere possible
Give terrorists a time table
Push for health care
Blame Bush
Blame Republicans
Hand out talking points

One of the most interesting statements came when Obama said that he wasn't just "trying to put a legislative win under his belt." Then why are we pushing a health care plan that nobody wants? It's clear that at least through 2010 - this will be his agenda.

As a citizen of the state of Va, I must say that I was proud of our governor's response to the state of the union address. I thought he was well spoken, true to conservative principles, and well received. When McDonnell said that government was "trying to do too much", I applauded. He also quoted the new Massachusetts senator by saying that "tax payer money should be used to defeat terrorist not protect them."

Folks, please don't take this the wrong way. Our reality is God, not our government. Our economy is God's economy, not America's. In the natural world we may have to cut back, save, and do things that are necessary during a recession. In the spiritual we trust the All Providing God.

I have been listening to a song lately called "God of this City." This song speaks the words that I want to share with you. Don't come away from the president's address thinking that all is lost. America may have to dig in but the believer can let go and trust in God.

The song says, "Greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this city." The question is: What will we believe? Will we believe that the state of our union rests upon the shoulders of politicians or will we believe that it all rests in the hands of Almighty God?

I choose to trust in the Lord our God. "Blessed is the nation who trusts in Him!"

May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.

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