Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2010 - Year of Harvest!!!

In 2008 the mayor of a small town in France banned villagers from dying. This is a true story!

After a court decision that would not allow the cemetery to acquire the land needed for an extension - the mayor issued this ban. The ban states that if you do not have a plot in the cemetery then you cannot die & there will be sever punishment for anyone who disobeys.

I wonder if it worked?

The truth of the matter is that we cannot stop death by making it illegal. It's a nice thought but the reality is that death will continue to come even if it's outlawed.

The only hope that we have is found in Jesus Christ. Through His death on the cross Jesus removed the sting of death and the victory of the grave.

This past Sunday at PBC I delivered a Word from God concerning our focus for this year. That word was: STEWARDSHIP. In particular God was leading us to be Stewards of the Gospel. As stewards of the Gospel we will directly affect the harvest of 2010 in Max Meadows, the state of VA, our nation, and the world.

How will we handle what God has entrusted us with? Will we live as those under the Lordship of Christ by sharing the Gospel with those around us? Will we be faithful to speak the words of life with the lost? We won't keep people from dying but we can affect their eternity!

It is my prayer that God's people will take this Word seriously. May we be able to say with Paul: "Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God." 1 Cor. 4:1

Through our salvation we possess the greatest treasure that can be discovered in this world. The Gospel message is the "Pearl of Great Price." It is a message of boundless grace, unlimited love, and abundant mercy. It's the message of God's love for His creation. A message that states that God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son to be a sacrifice for their sins. Through our faith in Him we can be forgiven, made right with God, and brought into an eternal relationship with Him.

I have no doubt that God longs for people to be saved more than we do! He payed the greatest price to ensure that this would happen. And this message has been given to us! What will we do with it?

If you are like me - you don't have to look far to find someone who is lost. You may look into the cubicle next to yours. You may be able to look into the eyes of someone living in your house. You may look down the street and see a family that doesn't know Christ. Why not share the Gospel with them?

It's simple. God has given us the plan of salvation in His Word. If you haven't done it already - mark these passages in your Bible:

Romans 3:23
Romans 5:8
Romans 6:23
Romans 10:9-10/13

Now take this treasure and share it with someone in need. Be a Steward of the Gospel.

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