Monday, March 16, 2009


Happy Monday to all! I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. I came back home on Friday from the "Fresh Oil/New Wine" Conference refreshed and recharged.

During my time away I picked up the latest book by Erwin McManus "The Barbarian Way." I told the church yesterday that the reading of this book (for me) was timely. God had already started the process of seeking a greater intimacy with Him and living a life that looks different from the "Christianity" that we often see.

Just to give you an idea of how this book flows allow me to share with you a shocking quote. "The Greatest Enemy to the Movement of Jesus Christ is Christianity!"

Is Jesus getting lost in the religion that bears His name? In many ways - YES! The followers of Jesus today pale in comparison to what we read about in Scripture. I don't blame the follower as much as the preachers/teachers of God's Word for not being bold enough to share what genuine, real, raw, and untamed faith in Christ looks like.

Where are the prophets? Where are the Elijah(s) and Jeremiah(s) of our day? Where are the believers that are willing to look and act differently, be a spectacle if it means bringing glory and honor to the God who gave them life and salvation?

If you are looking to be challenged in your walk with Christ then take the time to pick up this book. You might learn something about yourself in the process. You may find that there is a BARBARIAN inside of you that wants to get out!

Have a blessed week. I look forward to sharing it with you.

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