Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Praise or Worship...or Both?

Over the last couple of weeks I have been thinking about worship. In particular I have focused on the praise aspect of worship. You know, for someone coming into the church for the 1st time this may be a confusing subject. Some people in the church view praise and worship as just a type/style of music. So...when we say lets worship the Lord - what does it mean and what does it look/sound like.

To get the full answer to all of this you will need to hear my sermon on Sunday. However, I will give you a couple of items to chew on.

Worship is a spiritual response. It's how we are to respond to God on a daily basis (not just on Sunday). He is the Creator, therefore, I worship Him. He is my Salvation - I worship Him. God is worthy of worship...that is, our spiritual response to Him.

Praise on the other hand is always associated with a body function. Singing, dancing, shouting, lifting hands, bowing down, or playing an instrument. Praise is activity!

So in whatever you do today - WORSHIP HIM! But if you are going to praise Him then you better get moving!!!

Have a great week.

P.S. The Evangelism Conference was great. If anyone is interested in hearing the messages that were preached they can be downloaded from the website: www.sbcv.org

1 comment:

Launch International said...

I'll prepare the band!

Thanks for the heads-up for this Sunday.