Thursday, March 5, 2009

Recovery & Rebirth

Today is a glorious day! The weather is beautiful but my reason for praise isn't because of the sunshine. It's Thursday but the reason for my excitement has nothing to do with the approach of the weekend. No my friends...I have a story to tell.

At the beginning of 2008 our church started a Celebrate Recovery group to reach out to individuals within the body who were struggling with addictions, co-dependency, bitterness, etc. It's an umbrella program designed to help people overcome their "hurts, habits, & hang-ups." This ministry has been so successful across the nation that we thought it was time to do something to help these struggling believers. It was, in my mind, a great turning point in the ministry of Pioneer Baptist Church. It changed my heart toward the struggling and allowed me to view people with compassion again. It also showed me how easy it is for even the "strongest" of believers to be burdened with many things.

Fast-forward to March 4, 2009 AD. Several of the people who went through Recovery thought it was time to begin a support group. The purpose of this group wasn't to wallow in self-pity but to encourage one another toward greater victory. Last night was the "official" 1st meeting. The results? Life-changing!

6:30 pm - A small handful of believers gather in the basement of our building to strengthen one another, encourage one another, and pray for one another. Some people wouldn't consider this group to be the "creme of the crop" because they had "issues", but I knew better. I have come to truly love these believers. They have a heart for people who are often overlooked in the daily ministry of the church. This group is truly becoming the ones that Jesus called out into the highways and the hedges to bid anyone who will come.

In the midst of this group sat one outsider. An individual (who shall remain nameless) who was seeking help. I don't know this particular situation - and the cool thing is that it doesn't matter. This person was made to feel at home, loved, and open to share. It was actually during a sharing time that someone asked, "Are you saved?" This person had been in church enough to know what this statement meant. The answer was, "No." Another recovery member took the time to share the Gospel with them and this "outsider" immediately became a part of the family!

The title of today's blog is: "Recovery & Rebirth." I chose this title because I thought about how important it is for us to know the Lord when we are trying to overcome. Accepting Christ accelerates greatly the ability to overcome addictions, depression, bitterness, unforgiveness, etc. We can go through recovery but will never truly recover without Jesus. He is the one who rescues us from ourselves. We cannot trust in steps, procedures, practices; we must trust in Him. The Bible teaches us plainly that if anyone is in Christ they are a new creation (look at the picture above), old things have passed away; behold, all things are new. How awesome is that?

Today there is a new creation in Christ walking around their workplace. Children were given a new parent. And "outcasts" were given a new ministry. The wonderful ministry of reconciliation.

I cannot tell you how excited I am as a pastor to see ministry birthed in the hearts of church members. How wonderful to think that God has allowed us to create an atmosphere of acceptance to ministry ideas. This ministry will flourish and God's stamp of approval was evident in a life that came looking for recovery but walked away born again!

Praise be to the God who saves!

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