Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Day After...

Hello everyone! Sorry that there wasn't a blog yesterday but a man can only celebrate his 13th wedding anniversary one day a year.

I want to share with you something that the Lord has been sharing with me.

Psalm 3:3, "But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head."

Look again at those last 6 words: "the One who lifts up my head." How encouraging! When I read these words there is a picture in my mind of a person with heir head bowed down in discouragement/depression and God coming along and taking His hand, lifting their head, and saying "lift up your head little one...I love you."

Is God your greatest Encourager or do you find yourself looking for encouragement in other places? When you and I take the time to pray and read His Word we can find all the encouragement we need. We are told that we are MORE than conquerors, we are part of the BELOVED, we are CHILDREN of the most High God, and we are LOVED! Even now, as I read these words, I find it hard to live loved...don't you?

Dear friends, if you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior - if you have been forgiven of your sins - if you are found in Him - you are LOVED!!! Never forget it.

Sing with the psalmist today: "Why so downcast O my soul, put your hope in God." God is the lifter of your head. Human relationships cannot equal the relationship we have with God. Financial prosperity can never equal what God can do for you. Business success can never accomplish what the work of the Holy Spirit can accomplish for your spirit. Let God lift up your head!

I pray that you will be encouraged today in all that you do. I hope that you will find lasting peace, serenity, and security in God through Jesus Christ. I'm so thankful that we have a High Priest (Jesus) who can be touched with the feelings of our weaknesses and that He has the ability to lift us up.

Be Blessed today with His goodness.

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