Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Your Transformation

If you have followed this blog for any length of time, then you have read my thoughts on Romans 12:2 about being transformed by the renewing of you mind. However, I don't know that I have ever shared it from today's perspective. I pray these words will be life changing for you.

The Earth is waiting, groaning, for the sons of God to be revealed. Unfortunately, for the Earth, this has been a LONG process. According to Scripture, the Earth's liberation is tied to ours. The reason I said "unfortunately" in regards to the Earth's waiting is because we have struggled to understand our own transformation.

If you were to do a Google image search of the word metamorphosis, you would see an image of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. This transformation has been the one image that has been associated the most to the change we read about in Romans. What we have failed to recognize is that within that caterpillar's DNA is everything that is needed to become a butterfly. It's not a change from without but a change from within. The cocoon is simply a resting place for this metamorphosis to take place.

The majority of people that I know who have taken Romans 12:2 to heart have tried to apply the principle and have waited to become someone completely different. What they have missed is that the transformation is becoming who they have always been. The revealing of the sons of God is simply the children of God coming into maturity. It's a realization of who they have always been. It's all about learning to rest in the finished work of Christ - the cocoon - so that we may become.

The separation language that has long been a part of the church's vocabulary has fostered this misunderstanding. We have failed to recognize that any separation from the Father has been held within our own thoughts. Think about how we handle Adam and Eve being cast out of the Garden. Many have viewed this act of God as punishment, but the Bible teaches that it was for our preservation. He still believed His creation was good. He would continue to seek out that goodness within us. Jesus would come to recover it.

As I type these words, an episode of The Waltons plays in the background. This particular episode is titled, "The Sinner." In this episode the Waltons are housing a young minister. As he practices his sermon in the front yard with the children present, he begins to tell them how putrid and how sinful they are. While he goes on with this damning dissertation, John (the Dad) calls him out. He will not allow the heads of his children to be filled with this nonsense. Every time I see this episode I want to stand up and shout "AMEN!!!" These are good children. Created in the image and likeness of God. Their minds can be molded. John does not want them to see themselves in any other light. Neither do I.

What if your transformation is actually becoming who He created you to be?
What if the change is to release yourself from the false identity that has been created outside of relationship with the Father?
What if, hidden within your DNA, is everything you need?
I believe it is. I believe what you long to experience in life is the liberty of the sons of God. Free to live. Free to love. Free to enjoy life in its fullness. Free to be completely available to everyone in your life. Free to enjoy unbroken fellowship with the Father. All made possible through Jesus' death, burial, resurrection, and ascension.

The Earth awaits your revealing. Enjoy the journey!!!

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