Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Speaking the Truth in Love

In Ephesians 4, we hear the Apostle Paul encouraging the believers to "speak the truth in love." His words fit nicely into the remainder of the conversation. Unfortunately, as with many verses in the Bible, this phrase is often handled out of context & not within the writer's original intent. To speak the truth in love is not an excuse for criticism or condemnation. Speaking the truth in love is meant to propel each of us to see the fullness of God manifest in our lives.

To fully understand Paul's words, one must understand the backdrop of his letter. The greatest distractions from the truth that was found in Christ in those days were Legalism & Gnosticism. Legalism required a strict adherence to the Mosaic Law, along with faith, as a means of righteousness. Gnosticism, on the other hand, did not believe that the fullness of God could be manifest in a human body. This is why they rejected the idea that the Christ could be fully human & fully God. If you pay careful attention to these two different philosophies, you will discover at least one similarity: being human isn't good enough.

The reality is that within humanity we discover God's image & God's likeness. To be sure, that image & likeness is often shrouded with fear, cloaked in hate, muddied in the consequences of our choices, or even flat out rejected. However, image & likeness is still within the DNA of every individual. This is what Christ came to rescue, to redeem, & to recover. In order to rid the world of the notion of separation, He took on flesh. He became one of us. He demonstrated that the fullness of God could be manifest in our humanity. Not only was it manifest in His humanity, but also on display in the motley crew that followed Him. His teaching also pointed to a greater truth about the nature of our Father. In His death, He broke down the middle wall of separation (which was the Law), buried the old creation of Adam, and birthed a new creation within Himself in His resurrection. His ascension to the right hand of the Father, fully human & fully God, ensured that humanity was brought back to its rightful place. The Good News of the Gospel is the proclamation of this truth.

What does all of this have to do with "speaking the truth in love"? EVERYTHING!!!

Speaking the truth in love requires that I know the truth & that I am willing to see the truth in others. The way that I view people is no longer dictated by the rules of legalism. It's no longer clouded by the ideas of Gnosticism. I regard NO ONE according to the flesh. Instead, I choose to see people in image & likeness. The truth about them & myself is not rooted in our actions. The truth is rooted firmly within the finished work of Christ. If I choose to point out bad behavior, I do so from the place of seeing the truth manifest in the life of a person. It's not enough to tell someone what they are doing wrong. That's criticism. It's not enough to label someone with a particular sin. That's condemnation. In Christ, I have an obligation to dig deeper, to look deeper, and to discover the reality of Christ within them.

Speaking the truth in love also means that I am willing to walk with the individual until we see the truth manifest. This is what love does. Think about it. Jesus walked with His disciples for 3 - 3 1/2 years and they still struggled. What makes us think that just because a person prays a prayer, or commits to following Christ, that their lives are going to be perfect? The men & women who walked intimately with the TRUTH still fought against selfish gain, pride, walking in love, etc. The goal is being conformed to His image & the process is life. It's going to take time. This is why love is attached to the statement. Speaking the truth is not enough. Love is required to see the truth come to the surface.

You have to look back at Paul's letter to understand why this is important. It's done so that we can all "grow up in all aspects into Him who is the Head." The point of speaking the truth in love is so that we can all attain to the fullness that is Christ. It's a fullness that is ours, but it's in relationship that it is allowed to come forth. In Christ we discover a life that is connected with our brothers & sisters - those image & likeness bearers that often fail & often forget. It's also a reminder as to why KOINONIA is necessary. Our shared life together & our joint participation is crucial in seeing every person rise up to their potential. All of our gifts, everything that He has placed within us, work together so that He is fully manifest.

Too many people have believed that speaking the truth in love means pointing out what is wrong in the world. It's labeled as "calling sin, sin" and has been used to accuse, judge, and condemn. Without realizing it, the church is often partnering with the accuser of the brethren & agreeing with the lies that are evident in the lives of people who don't know who they are. The issue that I take with this is that you never see it in the ministry of Christ or the Apostles. The ministry of reconciliation tells people what God has done to reconcile humanity to Himself (and they have been reconciled) and it also points to the reality that they don't have to live life outside of it anymore. To label a particular group & bring down condemnation upon them actually further entrenches them in that lifestyle. It's the goodness of God that leads people to think & live differently (repentance), not any judgement that you might bring upon them.

I believe that it's high time for the church to recapture the view of humanity that our Father possesses. A humanity created in image & likeness. A humanity that is loved. A humanity that is not meant for condemnation but salvation. A humanity that finds its living, moving, & being in Him. A humanity that is still the object of His affection, the greatest means of filling the earth with His glory, and the inheritance of Christ. Speaking the truth in love calls out a greater reality than our current way of life. It also speaks to the depths of our existence. We know we were made for more. The truth in love creates an environment where we see this reality, this fullness, come to fruition. "Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when Christ appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is..." (1 John 3:2) " He is so also are we in this world." (1 John 4:17). WAKE UP my Brothers & Sisters!!! There is more to you than you realize.

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