Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Peace With God

Ephesians 2:17, "And He came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near."

There are times in life when we don't need to learn anything new. We need to immerse ourselves in the truth that we already know. Jesus declared that the truth will set us free. Over the last few days I have chosen to meditate upon and abide in the truth of His finished work. The more we allow ourselves this kind of time, the truth we possess flows even more freely through our lives.

I want you to think about the phrase "Peace With God." It's not a new phrase. Most of us have heard about it, prayed for it, and even been told how to get it. What is amazing to me is that when I read the New Testament, I see that we already have it.

Paul said that Jesus came & preached peace to those who were far off & peace to those who were near. In other words, it didn't matter where they were in their journey. Jesus proclaimed peace. It didn't matter what they believed, how they perceived God, or whether or not they were actively pursing Him. Jesus declared peace with God for all of humanity.

The fact that Jesus IS OUR RECONCILIATION with God should be enough to get our attention.
The fact that Scripture declares that HE IS OUR PEACE - has broken down the wall of separation - should be enough for us to rest.
The fact that Angels sang "Glory to God in the Highest. On Earth, PEACE & GOODWILL TOWARD MEN" should have signaled it for us.
God has declared peace over our lives. He has done everything in His power to ensure that we would be at peace with Him.

Jesus was/is the Prince of Peace. He came to establish an everlasting peace ONCE & FOR ALL.

When you view this verse above in context, you will discover that Paul is referring to the Jew/Gentile relationship with God. The Gentiles were considered far off. Jesus proclaimed peace over them. The Jews were considered near. Jesus proclaimed peace over them. In one stroke of absolute genius, the Father accomplished what He had always been after. The Jews were to be a light to the Gentiles. However, they chose to live in separation. This was not the Father's heart. He ensured that what Jesus did, He did for all. There would not longer be Jew or Gentile, Male or Female, Slave or Free. All were brought in through the death, burial, resurrection, & ascension of Christ.

What if you knew that God was at peace with you?
What if you knew that anything that is keeping you from being at peace with God is on your end of the equation?
What if you knew that trusting in all that Jesus has accomplished would allow your heart to be established in peace?

What would you do with that kind of knowledge?
This is the GOOD NEWS. This was the message that the Apostles carried to the ends of the Earth. This is the reality that each & every one of us should live in daily. The Father has declared peace. He has accomplished it through the Son. It is an abiding gift in our lives.

I pray to the Father that you will be able to comprehend this peace. That you may know it fully. That your heart would be established. I pray that your eyes would be open to see, and your ears be open to hear the Lord's declaration over your life: "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you...Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

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