Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Living With Thanksgiving

As we draw closer to my favorite holiday I'm reminded of the power of thankfulness. Being thankful allows us to focus on the positives in life. It continually brings us to a place of remembrance that creates a platform for worship. The challenge for each of us is learning how to live with thanksgiving rather than simply encountering moments of giving thanks.

Allow me to illustrate my point:
- Moments of thankfulness are typically what I term as "spark moments" - in other words, we have become reflective or something has just taken place that prompts our thankfulness to God.
- On the other hand, a lifestyle of thanksgiving creates a mindset where we are continually thankful - where we take nothing for granted - and our hearts are always in tune with the Giver of the gifts rather than the gift itself.

A lifestyle of thanksgiving reminds us that "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." {James 1:17}. It allows us to be focused upon the God who always gives His children good and perfect gifts. We are aware of the fact that in His nature there is no variation or shadow of turning. A lifestyle of thanksgiving never needs reminding of the goodness of God but is always mindful of God's blessings.

While I'm appreciative of the holiday that we celebrate in America, it's just my belief that one day a year isn't enough. I'm grateful for the fellowship it creates within the family, the food that we are allowed to partake of, and the mindset that many carry into the celebration. My question is, as a follower of Christ, why is this not the norm? Are we not encouraged through Scripture to give thanks in everything? Isn't thanksgiving supposed to accompany every request and every prayer? If the answer to these questions is "Yes" then should we not understand why?

I stated earlier that I believe living with thanksgiving keeps us from focusing on the negatives in life. The reason this is true is because when your are constantly aware of the positives then you don't have time for the negatives. Thanksgiving will actually allow you to change the emotions inside of you and the atmosphere around you. If you want to give it a shot, the next time you become focused on negatives - stop and begin giving thanks for all of the good things in your life. Make it a time of worship unto God and you will discover that your heart is changed, the heaviness is lifted, and everything around you feels different.

I'm always amazed at the power of thanksgiving. I love to hear people pray from a thankful heart. While I may not be as moved as they are about the things they are thankful for, I'm always moved by their heart of gratitude. And you see...that is the key: An Attitude of Gratitude. A pre-disposition of thankfulness to our Heavenly Father. It can happen. You can be that person. It's simply a matter of the heart.

Thankful (by definition) is:
1. Aware and appreciative of a benefit; grateful.
2. Expressive of gratitude
Allow this word to describe you. Allow this word to represent the mindset that you carry with you every day. I realize that in this world we will encounter tribulation but Jesus says, "Be of good cheer. I have overcome the world."

May the Lord continually bless you and your family. I pray that your thanksgiving holiday will be a beginning to a greater lifestyle. May you know God's love, goodness, and provision in your life. And I pray that your family experiences the blessings of God through your thankfulness.

*Talk to you again next week.

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