Friday, November 16, 2012

It Couldn't Wait...

Devern Fromke says, "For the Father from eternity has a wonderful purpose for Himself which of course included man. Redemption is not the end, but only a recovery program. It is but a parenthesis incorporated into the main theme."

I got so stirred up within myself this morning that I just COULDN'T WAIT to share with you. The quote I just posted will be offensive to a lot of people because we tend to view everything (including redemption) from our point of view rather than God's. In our minds, redemption is the big thing. It is, in our minds, the reason we exist. However, we fail to recognize the fact that God did not create man with a need for salvation. The need for salvation came after Genesis 1 & 2. In other words, before Genesis 3, man lived in unbroken fellowship and relationship with God. Heaven continually invaded the earth. There was no sin, no sickness, and no death. Man was placed in full authority over what God created. The purpose of humanity was set forth - we were to be fruitful, multiply, and expand the borders of God's reign. What happened next has been well documented: Adam & Eve fell, man was thrust from the Garden, and humanity was placed under a curse.

INSERT REDEMPTION: Jesus came to earth as a man. He lived a perfect and sinless life. He gave His life as a ransom for all humanity. He was resurrected - received full authority in heaven and on earth - and redeemed mankind from the curse.

So where are we now? The reality of the Bible is this: God has done everything that needed to be done to restore humanity to His original design. The main theme of God's creative purpose has been re-established (not that it had ever been lost). God has a people upon the earth that are to be fruitful, multiply, and expand the borders of His reign. And God will not be satisfied until the WHOLE earth is filled with His glory.

This is where religion has dulled our understanding. As long as we see the world in need of redemption then we will never fully fulfill the purpose of God. I'm not saying that the world is not in need of salvation. I'm simply saying that redemption has been purchased. The illustration that I thought of this morning involved prisoners of war. The battle has been fought, the war is over, and yet there are still millions of people trapped in prison. As Christ's ambassadors in the world, we have the opportunity to go into these prison camps and deliver the captives. We get to walk in the same anointing, same authority, and same calling of Jesus where we say "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed..." {Luke 4:18}

Please understand that I am not belittling the redemption of man. It is a BIG DEAL. We will continually celebrate (I believe) for all of eternity what was accomplished in the life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Christ. I just want you to see things from God's perspective. God's purpose was never lost in the fall of man. Jesus' death on the Cross was not a part of some contingency plan. It was/is a part of God's purpose in creating a people for Himself that would establish His rule and reign in the earth.

Take some time to read Genesis 1 & 2. Then read Revelation 21 & 22. What do will you find? You will find that what God started in those first two chapters of the Bible come into a full realization in the last two. How is this possible? It's possible because of the eternal purpose of God. You and I get to be a part of that purpose. We get to be a part of the fulfillment of the dream of God. But the only way this will happen is when we begin to see ourselves along with the rest of humanity in Christ. We have to come to an understanding of all that was accomplished in Jesus. Then and only then will we fully realize our part in God's plan.

What an amazing God we serve! What an incredible journey that our lives become when we begin to see things from God's perspective! Oh...that the church would wake up to what God has done, is doing, and will do through us for His glory!

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