Friday, April 27, 2012

We Need More Churches...

I was fortunate to be a part of a Vision Meeting last week to discuss the necessity of church planting within our state. The primary focus of our discussion was the Southwest portion of the state. While many people who live outside of the state of Virginia would consider us to be a very "churched" society, the statistics prove something quite different. If you look at Wythe County alone you will discover that almost 67% of our neighbors are not being reached by the church.

If that statistic alarms you...GOOD! It needs to alarm you. In fact, I hope that it will alarm other people as well. Too often, church planting seems like an ultra competitive game. I have heard people in established churches ask: "Why do we need another church in our community?" To put it bluntly - new churches see far more conversions than established churches. Not only that, but the truth is that there aren't enough churches to handle the population. The study of our area revealed how many churches are needed in order to have a MINIMUM of 1 church for every 2000 households (4000-5000 people). I thought this was a pretty amazing standard considering that we don't have any 1 church in the county (that I'm aware of) that has 4-5000 members. Are you starting to get the picture? We need a greater presence of the Body of Christ within our communities.

While I am a huge proponent of church planting, I'm not in favor of simply mass producing what we already have in existence. Let's face it, if what we had was already working then we wouldn't need anything else. And what this community needs (as well as others) are churches that are relevant, saturated in God's unconditional love, practiced in a "Culture of Honor", dependent upon the power of the Holy Spirit, grounded in the Word of God, passionate about worship, and determined to fulfill the Great Commission. With that being said, don't think that a church planting movement means that we will see the countryside littered with buildings. The fact is, these new churches may reside in homes, meet in school buildings, or gather in store fronts. Most of them will be considered contemporary non-traditional churches because that is what works for this generation. The music will sound different, the preaching style will be different, the way they dress will be different, and the Bible they preach out of will probably be different as well.

The bottom line in this discussion is that we will not see a change in these numbers until the church does what it was placed upon this earth to do. We are to be advancing the kingdom of our God into the kingdom of darkness. We are to be destroying the works of the enemy. And we are to be calling people out of that darkness and into His marvelous light. Are you ready? The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. I'm praying right now to the Lord of the harvest to send laborers out into His field.

How do we make this a reality? There is only one proven method: churches planting churches planting churches...etc.
We (the church community) will have to change our mindset. We will have to make a decision to say that bigger is not always better. We will have to sacrifice some "good members" to populate a church plant that will reach these communities. And each of us will have to ask if we need to be involved.

The Good News? We can change the statistics!!! We can make a difference!!! We can be a part of the mass salvation of our communities!!! These are exciting times.


Zac Page said...

I've heard it said this way, "more hooks in the water equals more fish". Some Christians may argue there is only one method of church or style of worship that God is pleased with; however, this type of thinking limits God and his ability to use believers to reach the lost using their unique gifts and strengths. Christ meets us where we are, loves us, and strengthens us as we trust and obey him. Believers
need to meet non-believers where they are and love them with the strength of Christ's love. I'm sure that many people in this county are searching for genuine friends and people to shoulder the struggles of life with. I been reading a book called "Boundaries" by Cloud and Townsend, that has really helped me to understand how important it is to build good relationships with others based on Christ's perfect unconditional love. We have to have good boundaries in our relationships to experience growth and genuine love. This being said, I think one reason many of the people in Wythe Co. don't attend church and are unreached is because they have never experienced a relationship with a Christian who has demonstrated Christ's unconditional love and also has great relational boundaries. Christians are often seen as weak and allow people to walk all over them in relationships, giving all the time and never saying no to anyone. When I read the new testament I don't see weaklings, I see strong leaders and men who were willing to die for their faith and love for Christ, boldly speaking the truth with compassion and love for others. They shared their lives with others to advance the gospel and grow in the love of Christ.
Enjoyed reading your post Neal...

Neal Hawks said...

Good comments Zac - thanks for ready my rants (LOL).

Be blessed!!!